ANP 370 1st Edition Lecture 5 Outline of Last Lecture I none Outline of Current Lecture II Homelessness and Health a In the US b In the Third World III How Homelessness has grown what it means for capitalism IV Pop Quiz at end of lecture Current Lecture Homelessness and Health H G societies experiences more equal than horticulturalist and agrarian societies Poverty didn t exist as strongly o Renaissance painting from 1300 depicting homelessness o 1660s rise of industrial capitalism o Franz Hals 1580 1666 painting o Balzac 1833 writing portrayed poverty and homelessness Man in Dhaka Bangladesh locals collecting money for funeral local government did not address his situation for over 7 hours o Different kind of poverty has emerged how How is it different So normalized in our society that we are insensitive to it Poverty in the Affluent West o Wandering poor of pre industrial Europe o The number of beggars grew through the 16th century in Britain Dependence on machine instead of small scale factories no more dependence on manual labor Relocated working populations to urban cities o Friedrich Engels s book The Condition of the Working Class in England 1845 cause of death and illness among working class during the mercantile capitalism Description of factory workers in Manchester England during that time what life was like for them Discussed dependence on alcohol and tobacco Difficult environmental conditions cramped space These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Impacts on health o In 19th century unemployment increased due to industrial capitalism Government provided social support and assistance to those individuals who could not keep up with growth health care housing etc o Public poor house residence and assistance were implemented Homelessness in recent US Great Depression unemployment rate was 40 beginning of homelessness The new words hobos became popular o beginning of homelessness o Prior to this era was uncommon for people to not have a roof over their heads 1940 1970 high employment social programs keep poor in their homes Social Security Act was being implemented Neoliberalism in late 1970s the deindustrialization in the 1980s and the globalization since the 1990s correspond to massive inequality and increasing homelessness a beginning of wounded cities o What state provided before support has shrunk o Less help from the government today than from before The Homelessness In NYC 1975 beginning of neo liberalism Task force counted only 30 homeless families by 1980s number had risen to 10 000 homeless families o Idea is that these numbers were good for the market for those making The term homelessness came into popular use in the late 1970s to describe people who were sleeping in the streets and public spaces Homelessness are affected by poor nutrition TB HIV and other infectious diseases lack of access to medical support substance abuse Death rates and rates of diseases are all higher among them o Why has this happened o Social services are shrinking day by day Poverty in the Third World For example Puerto Rico o Spanish Conquest and Colonization gold mine sugar plantation and rum Devastated the whole country took all the resources o US Acquisition of Puerto Rico 4 5 Puerto Ricans were landless just in 3 decades o 1930 financial crash in US sugar factories sold to local capitalist o New wave of industrialization migration from rural to urban o Extraction of wealth from Puerto Ricans left the natives in an impoverished environment Post WW2 Economic boom in US labor migration from the third world o From Cuba and other countries In late 1970s unemployment rate increases again so does homelessness and their suffering from diseases Alcohol and crack cocaine serve as tranquilizers to cope with economic recession and express masculinity o Result of effects from economic order According to Paul Farmer s article Social Inequalities and Emerging Infectious Diseases outbreaks have been tied to a b c d Economic policies Trade networks Social practices Poverty and homelessness The Bio behavioral Disorder Homeless people suffer from mental problems and substance abuse Blaming the poor not taking mediation individual problem We don t see that it is a product of the low pay for work and the high cost of rent The CMA Cultural Medical Anthropology What are the major causes that make people more vulnerable to poverty and homelessness Yet bio behavioral approach understands disease through biology and behavior the social factor does not get fully factored CMA expands on it
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