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Overall Concept CSE 332 564 Visualization Where Do Medical Data Come From object j Kl Klaus M Mueller ll imaging device Stony Brook University Imaging Modalities Overview MRI fMRI N l Nuclear Anatomic vs Functional Imaging Ul Ultrasound d PET SPECT X ray magnetic spin metabolic tracer X ray emission data reconstructed cross sectional image Computer Science Department CT imaging algorithm sound waves History X Rays Wilh l C Wilhelm Conrad d R R ntgen t 8 November 1895 discovers X rays 22 November 1895 X rays X rays Mrs R ntgen s R ntgen s hand 1901 receives first Nobel Prize in physics An early y X ray y imaging g g system y History Computed Tomography Th breakthrough The b kth h acquiring many projections around the object enables the reconstruction of the 3D object or a cross cross sectional sectional 2D slice CT reconstruction pioneers 1917 Johann Radon establishes the mathematical framework for tomography now called the Radon transform 1963 Allan Cormack publishes mathematical th ti l analysis l i off ttomographic hi image reconstruction unaware of Radon s work 1972 Godfrey Hounsfield develops first CT system unaware of either Radon or Cormack s work develops his own reconstruction method 1979 Hounsfield and Cormack receive the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine Note so far all we can see is a projection across the patient Computed Tomography Concept Radon Cormack Hounsfield Computed Tomography Past and Present IImage from f the th Siemens Si Si Siretom t CT scanner ca 1975 128x128 matrix Modern CT image acquired with a Siemens scanner 512x512 matrix Slice Viewer 3D Visualization Reconstructed R t t d object bj t enables bl Enhanced X ray visualization from novel views Maximum Intensity MIP visualization Shaded object display More Visualizations Aortic Stent and Arterial Vessels Cartotid Stenosis Virtual Medicine Vi t l colonoscopy Virtual l endoscopy d arthroscopy th Virtual therapy and surgery planning Training platform History Ultrasound Ultrasound Present 1942 D 1942 Dr K Karll Th Theodore d D Dussik ik transmission ultrasound investigation of the brain 1955 Holmes and Howry Subject submerged in water tank to achieve good acoustic coupling image of normal neck 3D Ultrasound 1959 Automatic scanner Glasgow Intravasular ultrasound twin gestation sacs s and bladder B Doppler ultrasound History MRI 1946 Felix 1946 F li Bloch Bl h St Stanford f d and d Ed Edward dP Purcellll H Harvard d demonstrate nuclear magnetic resonance NMR MRI Concept MRI measures th the effects ff t off magnetic ti properties ti off tissue ti these effects are tissue specific also specific to blood perfusion oxygenization functional MRI MRI is very versatile but also more expensive than CT Bloch Purcell Lauterbur 1973 Paul Lauterbur Stony Brook University published first MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging image in Nature receives the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2003 T1 weighted density weighted T2 weighted Late 1970 s First human MRI images conceived Early 1980 s 1980 s First commercial MRI systems available slice viewer 1993 Functional MRI in humans demonstrated MRI Applications Cardiac C di MRI measures the distortion of tags to assess motion of the heart tissue Diffusion Tensor Imaging measures the diffusion of water allows the tracking of nerve fibers in the brain white matter MRI Applications Functional MRI allows to assess brain activity during certain tasks valuable for brain functional studies but also for surgery planning and diagnosis MRI Applications MR S Spectroscopy t measures the distribution of chemicals in each voxel of the brain MRI Applications MR A Angiography i h magnetizes the bolus of blood enhances vessels similar effects to X ray angiography but non invasive X ray angiography MR angiography MRI Applications Credits MR Mi Microscopy can resolve volumes of down to 50 mm3 clincial MR does 1mm3 use for small animal experiments in place of distructive histology Most historical data and some images were taken from a similar presentation by Dr Dr Thomas Liu Liu UC San Diego Other images are due to list not complete Joe Kniss Kniss U Utah Gordon Kindlmann U Utah Markus Hadwiger VRVis Stefan Bruckner Bruckner U Vienna Naeem Shareef Ohio State U Viatronix Inc Phillips Medical

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SBU CSE 332 - Visualization

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