Innervation of Skeletal Muscles Overview Overview of CNS CNS Brain Motor Cortex Pre Motor Cortex Brain Stem Role in Motor Control Descending Pathways Volitional and non volitional Motor Pathways Motor Pathways Spinal Cord Location Length Curves Spinal Nerves Gray v White Matter Meninges Cauda Equina Filum Terminale Spinal Column Spinal Cord in Situ Conus Medullaris Spinal Cord Meninges Spinal Nerves 31 Pairs 8 C 12 T 5 L 5 S 1 Co Spinal Nerves Spinal Nerves and Vertebrae Spinal Nerves Anterior Horn AMN GMN Spinal nerve Ventral root Dorsal root Final Common Pathway AKA Motor Unit Ventral ramis Dorsal ramis Reflex Arc Cross Section Cross Section II Cross Section III Ventral and Dorsal Roots Ventral and Dorsal Roots Compare Cross Sections Cytoarchitecture of Spinal Cord Compare Levels Compare Levels Spinal Cord Lower Motor Neuron Control Alpha and Gamma Motor Neurons Reflex Corticospinal Tract Muscle Innervation Spinal Nerves Upper Motor Neuron v Lower Motor Neuron Symptoms UMN Paralysis Atrophy Spasticity Hypertonicity Hypereflexia Spinal Nerves LMN Symptoms Paralysis Atrophy Flaccidity Hypotonicity Hyporeflexia Innervation of Skeletal Muscle Spinal Nerve Plexi Peripheral Nerves Spinal Root Levels Making a point Plexus Brachial Plexus Lumbar Plexus Lumbar Plexus Lumbar Plexus Lumbar Plexus Sacral Plexus Sacral Plexus Sacral Plexus Sacral Plexus The Boys Me at Work Peripheral Nerves Median Nerve Ulnar Nerve Radial Nerve I Radial Nerve II Femoral Nerve Obturator Nerve Sciatic Nerve Tibial Nerve Common Peroneal Nerve Innervation Sensory Feedback From muscle From skin Dermatones v cutaneous nerve coverage Myotomoes dermatomes scleretomes Cutaneous Innervation UE I Cutaneous Innervation UE II Cutaneous Innervation LE I Cutaneous Innervation LE II Cutaneous Innervation LE III Cutaneous Innervation LE IV Dermatomes
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