Berkeley COMPSCI 161 - Homework

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Homework 6 CS161 Computer Security Spring 2008 This homework will not be collected Use this to help prepare for the final exam 1 Hardware Support for Dual Mode Operation Early Intel processors e g the 8086 did not provide hardware support for dual mode operation i e support for a separate user mode and kernel mode As a result most of the systems implemented on these processors did not support multi user operation List and explain one potential problem associated with supporting multi user operation without hardware support for dual mode operation Be concise one or two sentences should suffice 2 Gesundheit Kachoo Inc has just released a new web service that allows people to sign their web pages The service does this by appending hidden inside a special HTML tag at the bottom of an otherwise normal web page the author s name the date and a signature which contains the author s name and date signed by the author s RSA private key The web page itself is unencrypted but the signature can be validated by downloading http www kachoo com pubkeys html which contains a list of all registered Kachoo users and each user s public key to retrieve the author s public key Explain why this gives a completely false sense of security by outlining two different ways that you could make it appear that Linus Torvalds has posted a web page saying Open source is for losers I ve decided to go work for SCO The definition of different is that each attack has a unique fix For each of the attacks you list give a countermeasure that the author viewer could take to protect themselves against that attack a Attack 1 b Countermeasure 1 c Attack 2 d Countermeasure 2 3 One is the Loneliest Number In this class we have seen several different mechanisms for isolating untrusted programs including virtual memory system call interposition and virtual machines a Name one threat that system call interposition protects against but virtual memory does not b The military runs a multi user computer that all government employees can log into programs that require access to top secret data are run inside a virtual machine Richard Stallman is given an account on this computer so that he can install emacs Colonel Greene runs a copy of Stallman s emacs program inside a virtual machine and uses it to edit the top secret list of UFOs stored in Area 51 s warehouses Only Greene has an account on the guest OS running inside the virtual machine If Richard Stallman were malicious could he arrange to learn the contents of this list If yes explain how if no say why not 4 Secure PIN Entry We want to allow a user to enter a secure PIN numeric password into a terminal We assume that an adversary can monitor any input such as a keyboard or keypad but that the channel of the display to the user such as a screen is secure the adversary cannot monitor it Give a secure way for the user to enter his or her PIN the adversary should gain no information about the PIN 5 Firewalls and Reference Monitors Explain how the requirements of a reference monitor apply specifically to a firewall Address the feasibility of determining whether a real firewall meets these requirements 6 Intrusion Detection Systems Explain succinctly the difference between rule based intrusion detection and statistical anomaly detection Give one advantage each has over the other 7 Buffer Overflow Why is having a non executable stack and heap insufficient to protect against buffer overflow code execution attacks 8 Rootkits Joe wants to protect himself against rootkits so he runs a virtual Windows XP system on top of Mac OS X Is Joe vulnerable to Windows XP rootkits Why or why not 9 SQL Injection Attacks SQL s prepared statements add the syntax to the language select from foo where bar can then be replaced with a string using a seperate function setString This is more secure than building up queries by concatenating strings because setArgument understands enough of the SQL language to ensure that its arguments are properly interpreted at the database server For example if the bar column contains strings then setArgument ensures that its parameter is a string and the server interprets it as raw string data instead of as part of a SQL expression setArgument can be applied in various different points in the query syntax Which of the following can safely interpret untrusted user input For each case explain what setArgument would have to verify or explain why passing such data in from the user is unsafe a setArgument takes an integer select from foo where num b setArgument takes a set of values select from foo where num in c setArgument takes a nested SQL query select from foo where num in 10 Cross Site Scripting and SQL Injection In class we saw an example of a cross site scripting attack involving javascript That example enabled the attacker to authenticate as the victim user to the victim server This is a two step attack requiring the attacker to first obtain the user s cookies and then authenticate to the server Describe how the attacker could develop a more elaborate cross site scripting attack involving SQL injection along with javascript injection to eliminate the need for the step where the attacker authenticates as the user Feel free to make any reasonable assumptions necessary about the victim server in order to make your attack possible 11 Firewalls The following diagram shows the architecture for your company s network and connection to the internet companyperimiter internet ISPa ISPb IP addresses ISP router 2 2 2 1 Mail server 1 2 3 5 Web server 1 2 3 4 SSH server 1 2 3 3 Telnet server 1 2 3 2 FW mailserver webserver sshserver telnetserver Example rules allow in out drop Your company is installing a packet filter firewall Here is the proposed security policy for the firewall I By default block all inbound connections II Allow all inbound TCP connections to SMTP on mail server III Allow all inbound TCP connections to HTTP and HTTPS on web server IV Allow all inbound TCP connections to SSH on SSH server V Allow all outbound connections VI Telnet access should not be allowed because it sends passwords in cleartext a 12 points Using the syntax from lecture examples above write the firewall ruleset for your company s firewall For each rule give a brief description of its purpose b 8 points Hackers target your company s network with repeated requests for large images on your company s webserver The hackers machines are on the 20 1 21 x subnet How could you change your firewall

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