Group One Two Research Supplement This was not included with the rest of the characterization info sent to the editors by our group Sivam The purpose of the System of Protection of the Amaz nia SIPAM is to integrate evaluate and disseminate information for the planning and coordination of global actions in the Amaz nia It aims to make possible the sustainable development of the region and is responsible for the acquisition of data and monitoring of 60 of the domestic territory SIPAM is considered the biggest project of ambient protection of the world Infrastructure SIPAM can be understood as a macro system involving diverse governmental bodies that develop actions coordinated for the protection of the Amazon and the development of the region It is composed of three subsystems acquisition of data treatment and visualization of data and telecommunications Acquisition of Data Consists of a rake including remote sensoring from satellites equipment for collection of meteorological hidrol gicos and ambient data Fixed transportable and aeroembarcados radars will make detection by aircraft in the airspace of the Legal Amaz nia much easier and aircraft duly prepared will conduct tracking with infrared ray technology Treatment and Visualization of Data Constituted of technician specialized Relationary Geographic Information and Data bases modern installations with specific cells and equipment for treatment of the data and the images software of artificial intelligence that will allow the analysis of thousand of information at the same time generating products that will propitiate the prospection of scenes beyond several other equipment and products Telecommunications Constituted of composed a physical net of telecommunications for fiber optics and exclusive canals of communication satellite that will use proper public and private ways to keep the integrated and trustworthy system 1 1 SIVAM www sivam gov br updated October 2002 Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva a summary of the agenda of the new president of Brazil Background Brazil former president Fernando Henrique Cardoso Cardoso was a left wing professor who helped develop dependency theory which claimed that developing nations such as Brazil were exploited by capitalist economies such as that of the U S During his term he ended a rate of inflation that had exceeded 5 000 a year by launching a new monetary unit the real Cardoso also privatized the inefficient state telecommunications and electricity companies as well as a few other sectors But in its attempt to raise more revenue from the sale of these enterprises the government alienated Brazilians by replacing public monopolies with protected private monopolies Concerning the environment two months ago Cardoso created a tropical forest reserve covering an area the size of Switzerland The credibility of the project was undermined however by corruption in the state environmental protection agency President Lula s and his PT Party s current agenda as it relates to the environment The PT Worker s Part is an ally of the indigenous Amazonian peoples who want to preserve the forest and of the landless poor whose poverty drives them to cut it down just as it is an opponent of the rich illegal loggers and the companies keen to build roads in the Amazon basin Lula has called for the use of the Amazon in a rational way for research and development that does not promote further deforestation or pollution of the world s largest rainforest I do not want an untouched Amazon we need to develop nonpolluting industries in the region said Lula adding that it is important to keep in mind the 20 million people who call the rainforest home Lula has especially strong support for the rainforest preservation projects in Acre a state in Brazil in which Lula used to be Senator According to environmentalists although Lula may have been more pro rainforest than his rival in the presidential election he will not likely have a considerable impact on Brazilian environmental policies At best a left wing victory might mean a little reorientation of the economic model directed toward the people and less toward the fat cats said David Fleischer a political science professor in Brasilia
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