IUB TEL-T 343 - AESKOPP System

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T343 1st Edition Lecture 4 Outline of Current Lecture I Review of Ethics Examples II The AESKOPP System III What it Stands For Current Lecture I Review of Ethics Examples a Ethics is a gray area everyone has different opinions on what is ethicaland unethical b The best way to act ethically is by using your own conscience and following the rules II The AESKOPP System a A generalization a simplification of some underlying universal sales principles and provides a framework for coaching planning and evaluating sales thinking and action III What it Stands For a Attitude i You are here to solve client s problems ii You must be in the mindset iii Are you motivated iv Do you have desire this is what employers are looking for v You will be rejected the majority of the time you need thick skin and perseverance b Emotional Intelligence i You need to understand others and yourself well ii Need to be able to put yourself fin others shoes iii Overall you must be able to nurture good relationships c Skills and Knowledge i You must have the proper training ii You must commit yourself to learning iii It is up to you to be knowledgeable about the product and your clients in order to provide good services d Opportunities i Many opportunities will arise 1 Prospects seasonal patterns etc These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute ii It is up to you to take advantage of opportunities and recognize when one exists e Preparation and Persistence i Preparing is half the work ii You will hear no the majority of the time iii An answer of no means you have not effectively communicated their need iv A no means you haven t solved the problem yet

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IUB TEL-T 343 - AESKOPP System

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