TAMU POLS 207 - POLISCI 207 – Jan 16

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POLISCI 207 Jan 16 2014 World Economies Importance Communist corruption leads to people putting their money outside of the country so they can keep it This hurts the economy China When money is put in places outside of the country this makes the economy not grow It stunts it Unless China changes its politics they are irrelevant to us POPULATION PER CAPITA INCOME STRONG ECONOMY Immigration is what allows us to grow as a country birth rates are only high enough to replenish Liberal Immigration Reform Act of 1965 intact since 1965 immigration reform Anchor Babies This opened the doors to immigration Populations Immigration and Culture White is going own in the US AA staying constant in percentage and Hispanic Growing Asian Pop Is growing fastest in but not in numbers Overall numbers still growing This will come into large meaning due to the different political views of populations Chinese Exclusion Act 19th Century limited the Chinese immigration to only several hundred a year due to the fears that they would not assimilate they were immoral and they would be taking peoples jobs The problem with this act was that all Asians looked the same to the people allowing in immigrants This limited Asian immigration as a whole because the immigration officers couldn t tell the difference between Chinese and other populations Japanese Gentleman s Act Texas will be primarily Hispanic by 2030 Fertility 56 AA 83 Hispanic 52 Whites Nonhispanics Whites are not having as many children In India and China Children are assets due to the labor required in the farms and fields In America children are liabilities and we live off of our parents until we are in our early twenties Children are expensive here Education leads to fewer children as a whole Places with high literacy rates and higher levels of college degrees the fertility levels will drop Education of WOMEN has a larger impact on fertility and population sizes due to the fact that they are having children at later ages and having fewer children Women have higher levels of education than men in the USA today Educated women affect this the most because if the women actually make more than their husbands and they still have to do all the house work and cooking and such they will probably have less children because that means they have more to take care of American Men are growing into a role of sensitivity and are more likely to help their wives with helping around the house In other cultures the men are the king of the house and they do not bother with things like cooking or cleaning as in Hispanics Education levels 1 White 2 AA 3 Hispanic Day Care costs close to 1000 a month per child This is a large reason to have fewer children THEY ARE EXPENSIVE Hispanics can avoid this because they typically live in multigenerational homes where the grandmothers take care of the children and allow the women to go to work without paying for day care Primary Immigration came from the west There was only discrimination to the eastern hemisphere The Immigration Act of 1965 opened the doors to immigration as a whole where as before the laws severely limited immigration from countries other than European counties Once these acts were pulled applications came from all over the world Europeans severely slowed down EUROPEANS ARE NOT APPLYING TO THE USA BECAUSE THEY ARE SOCIALISTS The countries there supply the health care and other things where as the US does not Australia pays people for having children and the government gives the children money for going to college and gives them a weekly allowance White people are not immigrating because they have the socialist medicine where they come from Other people are coming as fast as possible because America is so much better than where they came from With the increase in Hispanic population you will see an increase in Democratic ideals meaning Texas could eventually become Blue The only way to limit this would be to limit who can and cannot vote illegal Education Levels White Less than 1 out of 3 Blacks 20 Hispanics 12 Asians 50 however the fertility levels are still high because culture is still a big deal to them

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TAMU POLS 207 - POLISCI 207 – Jan 16

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