Pitt PSY 0505 - Neurotransmitters: Monoamine and Synaptic Pharmacology
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BIOPSYCH 1nd Edition Lecture 6 Outline of Last Lecture I Neuropharmacology used when talking about a more private part of communicating with each other A Two types of synapse II Amino Acid neurotransmitter NT A Found in majority of fast acting directed synapse in CNS B Molecular building blocks of protein C Hormone D Glutamate III Acetylcholine group of NT IV Mono amines group of NT A Order of synthesis B All start with tyrosine C L Dopa V NT function A Epinephrine is an excitatory NT for the most part B Produced both by the CNS and PNS 1 CNS 2 PNS VI Norepinephrine VII Dopamine A Primarily excitatory but like AC there are certain areas where it can have inhibitory functions B Functions Outline of Current Lecture I Monoamine A Cataccholamine B Indolamines 1 Serotonin synthesis C Monoamine Oxidase D Anti depressant drugs called MAO inhibitors results in more serotonin and norepinephrine II Synaptic Pharmacology A Agonistic mechanisms B Antagonistic mechanisms These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute C Autoreceptor Current Lecture Neurotransmitters I Monoamine A Cataccholamine B Indolamines 2 Serotonin synthesis a Serotonin precursor is the tryptophan b Serotonin is converted into 5 HTP from tryptophan and is then converted into 5 HT or serotonin c Serotonin is inhibitory in the nervous system and helps regulate mood as it is related to relaxation and decreasing anxiety d Regulates appetite and is one of the NT that regulates arousal and stimulates memory functions C Monoamine Oxidase 1 MAO A broken down by MAO B serotonin norepinephrine and epinephrine and break down the amines in our diet 2 MAO B D Anti depressant drugs called MAO inhibitors results in more serotonin and norepinephrine II Synaptic Pharmacology A Agonistic mechanisms 1 Are External and can produce changes 2 Enhances the functioning of the neurotransmitter will enhance an excitatory NT and make it more excitatory or enhance an inhibitory NT and decrease it more 3 The drug increases the synthesis of neurotransmitter molecules 4 Giving el dopa can override the deficit of those not working increases the number or NT by destroying degrading enzymes 5 Binds to autoreceptors and blocks their inhibitory effect on neurotransmitter release 6 Drug binds the postsynaptic receptors and either activates them or increases the effect on them of the neurotransmitter 7 Blocks the deactivation of neurotransmitter by blocking the degradation or reuptake 8 Selective reuptake inhibitors 9 Is used for botox B Antagonistic mechanisms 1 Decreasing the functioning of the neurotransmitter 2 Blocks the synthesis of the NT by destroying synthesizing enzymes 3 Drug causes the NT to leak from the vesicles and be destroyed by degrading enzymes 4 Blocks the release of neurotransmitters from the terminal buttons 5 Activates autoreceptors and inhibits neurotransmitter release 6 Is a receptor blocker as it binds to the postsynaptic receptors and blocks the effect of the neurotransmitter C Autoreceptor 1 Receptor that is on the pre synaptic membrane and is a receptor for the NT 2 Part of the feedback mechanism for the neuron which gives negative feedback 3 When you stimulate a autoreceptor with a neurotransmitter and makes a decrease in neuron production making the neuron want to produce more the number of neurons fluctuate

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Pitt PSY 0505 - Neurotransmitters: Monoamine and Synaptic Pharmacology

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 3
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