THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY Smeal College of Business Administration Department of Accounting ACCOUNTING 211 Financial and Managerial Accounting for Decision Making Fall Semester 2006 INSTRUCTOR Ken Pasch COORDINATOR Geno Carragee OFFICE 326 Business Building OFFICE TELEPHONE EMAIL OFFICE HOURS 814 863 3838 kwp2 psu edu T R 11 00 12 30 pm TELEPHONE EMAIL 319A Business Building 814 863 2255 ehc118 psu edu OFFICE HOURS TBD TEACHING ASSISTANT OFFICE HOURS to be posted on the Web as soon as available http cms psu edu and log on E MAIL POLICY We will be more than happy to address issues you deem necessary over e mail However if we have provided the information in class on the web site or in the syllabus student e mails requesting this same information will be disregarded Include your student ID number and section number on all correspondence Otherwise we will not be able to find information on your specific issue and will not be able to respond to your email Note the material in the course does NOT lend itself to being explained well over email see us in office hours for help with course material REQUIRED Text Financial Accounting A Business Process Approach Reimers customized version Course Packet containing chapters from Financial and Managerial Accounting Needles Powers Mills and Anderson 5th Edition 1999 available ONLY at the Student Book Store Calculator i e helpful for exams but not necessary the required part of this is the calculator type ONLY allowed to use a basic 4 function add subtract multiply divide calculator Either the Sharp EL 243SB or the Sharp EC 233 either may be purchased in the bookstores for under 5 00 LEARNING PACKET WEB ACCTG 211 Learning Packet includes the syllabus and other important information and material It is available via http cms psu edu and will be updated throughout the semester STUDY GUIDE While not required one is available in the bookstores with new versions of the Reimers text and past experience suggests that students derive significant benefit from independent exploration of such study guides STUDENT RESOURCE CD ROM Packaged with new versions of the Reimers text and study guide OFFICE HOURS FOR T A s you may see the instructor or any of the TAs associated with this course in office hours EXAMS The first exam will consist of questions relating to financial accounting only The second exam will be a mix of financial and managerial accounting The last exam will concentrate on managerial accounting but will also be cumulative We will expect you to be able to deal with ALL course material on the final exam but will emphasize the more important aspects of the material we cover and will help you target your studying to those topics for the cumulative final exam Exams are objective and partial credit is not given Only answers on your score sheets scantrons count Bring only a picture ID PSU ID card preferred but PA Drivers License can be substituted basic calculator with fresh batteries and 2 pencil s with you to the exam Failure to show up for an exam will result in a grade of zero Conflict and make up exams will ONLY be given to those with official absences You must give advance notice provide documentation and receive permission from the TA Coordinator prior to being offered a conflict make up exam In those rare instances where an emergency arises immediately prior to the exam you must contact the instructor as soon as possible explain the circumstances and provide legitimate documentation The instructor will make a reasonable judgement in these cases but will most often side with the 99 of students who are able to make the exam at the regularly scheduled time The request must include your student ID number email address phone number and section number Conflict exams will usually be given on the exam day during the regularly scheduled class time Contact the ACCTG 211 TA Coordinator to schedule a conflict exam Scores for the three exams will be e mailed to you within 2 3 days of the exam Grading Exam 1 20 Block 1 material Exam 2 20 Block 2 material Final Exam 32 Block 3 material 20 Cumulative material 12 Weekly Chapter Quizzes 10 Weekly Lab Quizzes Case Study Total We will offer 12 quizzes worth 1 each we will use the 10 best scores to calculate your grade In lab student groups will be required to solve a problem displayed by the TA during the last few minutes of class The solution will be placed into an Excel spreadsheet and loaded into the appropriate Angel drop box We will 8 offer 10 quizzes worth 1 each we will use the 8 best scores to calculate your grade This is a combined attendance participation comprehension assessment tool Each student must complete the Case Study transactions via the listed instructions and then complete the 2 Case Study quizzes Part 1 3 points 10 Part 2 7 points The purpose of the Case Study is twofold 1 provide a big picture view of the information we will study 2 serve as review for the cumulative portion of the final exam 100 Each of these assessment items should be used by the student to determine their relative progress in the course If you find you are performing below your expectations you must contact the Instructor or the TAs for assistance geared towards helping you improve your relative comprehension of the material Example I would expect most students using our formula for success see below and come to class on the first day to receive this would receive no less than a 90 on each quiz If you continuously score less than a 90 on the quizzes make sure you come see us in office hours where we will do our best to help you improve Grade Determination Grades will be determined on the bases of those items as indicated above Extra credit assignments to improve a grade are built in to the course via the Chapter Quizzes Weekly Lab Quizzes and the Case Study Grading Scale and yes I use standard rounding e g you have an 89 5 overall A for the course A AB B BC C D 94 100 90 93 87 89 83 86 80 82 75 79 70 74 60 69 DO NOT COUNT ON A CURVE The last time a course curve was adopted the grade for a C was lowered 1 point to 69 Chances are there will NOT be a course curve and if there is one it will be of minimal help to you A curve decision will be made at the end of the semester after a review by the instructors of the results of the exams and other graded assignments in total Room Assignments for Accounting 211 Exams are as follows Exam 1 Exam 2 Thur Oct 12 2006 8 15 pm Fri Nov 17 2006 8 15 p Section Room Section Room
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