MIT 9 14 - Questions based on Schneider chapter and lectures

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Questions based on Schneider chapter and lectures 1 Describe differences between place cells and head direction cells as recorded in rats 2 Contrast the learning manifest in the two major links between olfactory inputs and motor outputs as proposed for primitive vertebrates 3 What is the difference in location of the hippocampus of large primates and its location in the rat 4 Where is long term potentiation LTP found in the hippocampus 5 Describe the type of anatomical plasticity seen in the hippocampus after specific lesions in adulthood 6 How might neuromodulators effect the functioning of the hippocampus during waking and sleep Questions on readings Brodal Schneider 1 Identify the major subregions of the hippocampus and adjacent structures 2 What pattern of interconnectivity distinguishes area CA1 from area CA3 3 What types of memory are dependent on the hippocampus What types are not dependent on the hippocampus 4 What is the name of the major input pathway to the hippocampus and where does it originate 5 What is the pathway for subcortical projections to and from the hippocampus 6 Identify a major neuromodulatory system which regulates hippocampal activity and locate the nucleus that provides this input Questions on readings Striedter 1 What are the major kinds of evidence that has shown that the hippocampal formation of mammals is the homologue of the medial pallium of non mammalian vertebrates 2 In what sense are evolutionary changes in hippocampal connections like the evolutionary changes in striatal connections p 291 3 In Georg Striedter s opinion which is conserved more in evolution specific connections or embryonic origins Questions on readings Butler Hodos 4 What is the triune brain How has this idea been shown to be invalid 5 What difference in medial pallial afferents is characteristic of amniotes as opposed to anamniotes p 457 also see Striedter p 291 figure MIT OpenCourseWare http ocw mit edu 9 14 Brain Structure and Its Origins Spring 2009 For information about citing these materials or our Terms of Use visit http ocw mit edu terms

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MIT 9 14 - Questions based on Schneider chapter and lectures

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