IUB TEL-T 343 - Sales Ethics

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T343 1 27 14 Lecture 3 Outline of Current Lecture I Review of 5P s of Marketing II What are ethics III 5 Ethical Responsibilities IV Communities of an Account Executive Current Lecture I Review of 5P s of Marketing a 1 Product b 2 Place c 3 Price d 4 Promotion e 5 Post purchase Service II What are ethics a 1 Written codes of conduct i Most publically traded companies have a code of business conduct and ethics to hold employees responsible ii Major media companies have these iii Successful media companies recognize that nobody told me etc is not acceptable b 2 Socially accepted beliefs i Because individuals live in societies there are socially accepted beliefs on what is right and wrong c 3 Individual sense of right and wrong III 5 Ethical Responsibilities a 1 To the consumer i The products you advertise must be safe and effective ii Never link station content with sales without disclosure b 2 To your own conscience i It is your ethical responsibility to be true to your conscience and your own interpretation of what is right and wrong c 3 To Sales Customers i Under promise and over deliver ii Be honest and have integrity what making sales Don t lie These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute d 4 To the Company i Know the rules and follow them e 5 To the Community i Represent yourself with honest actions ii Be a benefit to the community You are providing a service IV Communities of an Account Executive a Global b Business c Industry d Local e Key Points i You don t only represent media but you represent the sales industry in general ii Because some people do not take the sales industry representation very seriously a career in sales has been given a bad reputation iii You have a responsibility to your industry community to act ethically

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IUB TEL-T 343 - Sales Ethics

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