ISU AECL 365 - Migration Wksht

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Migration Worksheet 1 What are the costs and benefits of migration 2 3 Migration occurs in vertebrate classes Which types of birds migrate Which don t 4 What are some mammals that migrate Which herps Which fish 5 What s the difference between catadromous and anadromous 6 What are some methods that vertebrates can use to aid them during navigation 7 What is the difference between orientation and navigation 8 What resets the circadian and circannual rhythm 9 Why is photoperiod significant 10 What are the costs and benefits associated with dispersal 11 In birds the disperse while in mammals the disperse 12 of the North American birds migrate to Latin America 13 Which mammal has the longest migration route 14 Bird migration routes are usually in what direction REVIEW 1 What is the difference between a territory and a home range 2 What are the functions values of a home range 3 How is home range of an animal determined by humans 4 What are some factors that affect home range size 5 Which sex is more territorial in birds In mammals 6 T F Some territories are multipurpose 7 Territories may may not overlap circle one 8 Visual signals include and changes in 9 Environmental interferences may obscure an auditory signal how can this be prevented reduced 10 A dog wagging it s tail is an example of visual communication that is and like most communication 11 Evolution of visual communication may be from intent and also from response 12 What is urine feces used for in marking 13 The major downfall of chemical signals is that is inefficient 14 Name the 5 types of communication and an example in the animal world

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ISU AECL 365 - Migration Wksht

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