UW-Madison CS 513 - Assignment

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CS513 Spring 14 Prof Ron Assignment 4 Due April 3 2014 General you are not allowed in this assignment to use the Matlab command A b for finding a solution of a linear system Also the assignment will require you to solve triangular systems of equations When you write a code for that you will get 5 extra credit if you shorten that code by using the Matlab notation A j for the jth column of the matrix A 1 In this question you are asked to develop an algorithm for solving a symmetric linear system a You are given a linear system Ax b A symmetric and non singular Prove that Gauss elimination without pivoting preserves the symmetry of A in the following sense after i elimination steps the n i n i lower right portion of the matrix is still symmetric Hint do a small example to see what happens b Use a in order to modify the Gauss elimination method for LU factorization for a symmetric A Your new algorithm should obtain the correct L and U without modifying the elements of A below the diagonal Write a Matlab code for that algorithm Your code will be used in Q 2 Submit a well documented printout of your code and explain on a separate sheet how you avoided processing the lower portion of the matrix c Find the complexity of your algorithm remember that the complexity of Gauss elimination for general matrices is n3 3 d Test your observation in c run your algorithm on 2 3 examples of symmetric matrices of different sizes see Q 2 and run on those matrices the Gauss elimination algorithm from Q 2 Check the tic toc count for each run run tic toc about 100 times and average in order to get a reliable reading and compare Compare your experiment here with your analysis in c 2 In this question you compare three algorithms for solving linear systems of equations One of the main points of the question is to experiment with the notions of conditioning and stability and to be able eventually to distinguish between the two A good answer should not only consist of a successful code but should demonstrate your ability to digest the notions of stability and conditioning via the numerical experiments The three algorithms are a LU factorization using Gau elimination without pivoting and then solving the soobtained triangular systems 1 b LU factorization using Matlab s lu routine c LU using full pivoting full pivoting means that you bring to the pivot location the largest entry in absolute value among all the entries that are available You do that by permuting rows and columns Next we generate various different matrices A Some choices are given below 1 aij i j 1 aij ij 1 To these choices add two of your own and also you need to generate at least four random matrices use Matlab s routine rand and also some symmetric random matrices an easy way to generate a symmetric matrix is to take a square matrix B and to define A B B Furthermore you may play with the order of each matrix by specifying different orders In order to associate A with b and x choose first x take convenient vectors like x 1 1 or x 1 2 Then compute b simply by multiplying Ax Then forget your x save the original x for error analysis Now you are ready to go apply to each one of the many pairs A b each of the three algorithms and solve for x Save then A b x1 x2 x3 e1 e2 e3 where xi s are the three different solutions you obtained for the system and ei s are the corresponding errors If you incorporate correctly your algorithm from Q 1 into the experiment here you will get 5 extra credit The issues now are the conditioning of each system Ax b the stability of the algorithm that solves the system and the complexity of the algorithm From all the examples you ran choose 5 which in your opinion represent the issues in the best manner Turn in your well documented codes the output for these 5 cases you ve chosen and for each one of them discuss briefly the issue What did you learn from this assignment about the conditioning issue and the stability issue when A is a random matrix Keep your code handy Our TA may ask you to send him the code in order to try it himself 3 This question deals with deflation of eigenvectors You are given the matrix 309 228 240 A 60 117 510 49 12 6 298 and are told that the vector v 6 3 2 is an eigenvector of A i Deflate v from A ii Find say directly the eigenvectors of the 2X2 deflated matrix iii Use ii is order to find an eigenbasis of A to R3 i e a basis for R3 made of eigenvectors of A iv Diagonalize A i e write it in the form P DP 1 2

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UW-Madison CS 513 - Assignment

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