Berkeley COMPSCI 161 - CS 161 Midterm

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CS 161 Computer Security Fall 2006 Joseph Tygar Midterm 3 P RINT your name last first S IGN your name P RINT your Unix account name P RINT your TA s name R EAD ALL INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY You are allowed to bring one 8 5 11 page of handwritten notes with you but no books printouts or other study aids Calculators computers and other electronic devices are not permitted Please turn off cell phones and music players and keep them off your desk and remove headphones Write your answers in the spaces provided in the test in particular we will not grade anything on the back of an exam page unless we are clearly told on the front of the page to look there Please explain all work but be concise If you think there is an error in the exam please bring it to the attention of the exam proctor If you find a question to be ambiguous choose the most likely interpretation and state your interpretation explicitly You have 80 minutes There are four questions of varying credit 100 points total The questions are of varying difficulty so avoid spending too long on any one question Do not turn this page until your proctor tells you to do so Problem 1 Problem 2 Problem 3 Problem 4 Total CS 161 Fall 2006 Midterm 3 1 Problem 1 Auctions 20 points This question will consider different types of auctions For each auction type we will ask you to describe how it works and then to describe whether it ever makes sense for a bidder to bid less than his or her actual valuation that is the amount he or she considers to be a fair price for the item being sold Of course the bidder wants to achieve the lowest price possible Here is an example x How does a sealed bid auction work Does it ever make sense for a bidder to bid less than the actual valuation A In a sealed bid auction each of the bidders sends a sealed secret bid to the auctioneer that only the auctioneer can read The auctioneer sells the item to the highest bidder at the price bid In some cases it makes sense to bid less that the actual valuation if a bidder suspects she will be the highest bidder then she should only bid slightly more than what she expects the second highest bid to be in that way she can save substantial money Answer the following maximum 4 sentences each a 10 points How does a Dutch auction work Does it ever make sense for a bidder to bid less than his or her actual valuation b 10 points How does a second price Vickrey auction work Does it ever make sense for a bidder to bid less than his or her actual valuation CS 161 Fall 2006 Midterm 3 2 Problem 2 Attacks 24 points Consider the Berkeley CalNet Authentication Web Server which uses a web page with a user name and user password the password must be between 9 and 255 characters and must contain at least three of the following uppercase letters lowercase letters numbers punctuation and all other characters connected via SSL to net auth berkeley edu Give at least 3 different plausible ways to attack such a system and gain unauthorized access 1 3 sentences each 8 points each CS 161 Fall 2006 Midterm 3 3 Problem 3 Short answer 30 points Give a 1 2 sentence answer for each question 6 points each 1 Why is having a non executable stack and heap insufficient to protect against buffer overflow code execution attacks 2 Firewalls can be used to block all distributed denial of service attacks while allowing all authorized communications True or false and why 3 How can a targeted worm or virus avoid detection by a virus scanner Give the most relevant answer 4 Joe wants to protect himself against rootkits so he runs a virtual Windows XP system on top of Mac OS X Is Joe vulnerable to Windows XP rootkits Why or why not 5 In a Mandatory Access Control system how can an insider with access to a high security file leak information to a low security process using the virtual memory system What is this type of attack called CS 161 Fall 2006 Midterm 3 4 Problem 4 E Voting 26 points Your task is to help the State of California develop certification standards for electronic voting machines DREs For each of the three phases of electronic voting at a polling place give the necessary preconditions and postconditions for a DRE to preserve the integrity of the vote Assume that there are several multiple candidate races each race has only one winner and voters may vote for at most one candidate per race voters may chose to leave any race blank Here are the three phases you will consider 1 Machine preparation on Election day before polling starts 2 Accepting a cast vote repeated throughout election day 3 Finalization after the polls close You do not need to consider transparency privacy or secrecy for this problem Please limit yourself to conditions necessary for integrity State your conditions clearly and precisely and you shouldn t need additional explanation a 8 points The first phase is preparation of the machine on election day before polling begins Preconditions Postconditions CS 161 Fall 2006 Midterm 3 5 b 10 points The second phase is casting of each vote Specify the preconditions before a vote is cast and the postconditions after a vote is cast Preconditions Postconditions c 8 points The final phase is finalization of vote totals at the end of election day after the polls close Preconditions Postconditions CS 161 Fall 2006 Midterm 3 6

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Berkeley COMPSCI 161 - CS 161 Midterm

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