Basis of American Foreign Policy The Monroe Doctrine 1823 Reasons for Expansion o Manifest Destiny and American exceptionalism European imperialism Reasons for American Expansionism Economic o Production and trade o Produce more than exports Missionary o Christianizing o Noblisse Oblige or the White Man s Burden Political o Exporting American ideals Gender o Effects of too much civilization Architects of Expansionism Forerunners o William Seward Bought Alaska o James Blaine Pan American Union make connection between Latin America and United States o Alfred Thayer Mahan Wrote book Use sea as the highway of power Canal through Panama th Early 20 Century o Roosevelt Corollary Changed what our role was going to be in the western hemisphere 1904 U S now have the right to intervene in the Latin America if they were doing something brutal wrongdoing Brutal wrongdoing Default on loans o The foreign policy elite Anti imperialists Diverse cast William Jennings Bryan William Graham Sumner Andrew Carnegie Jane Addams Booker T Washington and Samuel Gompers Concerns o Independence became plunder o Military concerns o Racial anxieties o Labor concerns Annexation of Hawaii Early commercial contact Missionaries Mckinley Tariff of 1890 o Became land owners and set up plantations o Gained political power and wealth o Forcing the native population to grant American rights o 1890 places a tariff on Hawaiian sugar created an economic problem 1891 Liiuokalani becomes queen o Wanted to limit the influence of American power on Hawaii o Planters fought back o Took over the government 1893 Coup 1898 Hawaii annexed o To relieve the tariff on sugar The Fight for Cuban independence Part One 1868 78 war with Spain 1894 tariff on Cuban sugar 1895 Jose Marti launches guerilla resistance U S grows concerned for Cuba s stability o Gen Valeriano Weyler Brutal Took Cuban citizens and place in concentration camps U S finds out from newspapers New York Journal o The media and gov t The fight for Cuban Independence Part Two Spanish American Cuban War February 1898 Explosion of USS Maine A Splendid Little War o Was very short o Most that died were Cubans Key events o May 1 Dewey attacks Manila o Blockade of Cuba o August 12 Spanish surrenders U S gets Philippines Puerto Rico and Guam Cuba nominally independent The China Market The China market o Other countries were blocking the entrance to market Colonial China John Hay and the Open Door Policy o Everyone should have access to Chinese market An imperialist economics in the guise of anti colonialism War in the Philippines 1898 1902 Emilio Aguinaldo turns against Americans o Captured in 1901 and war ends Three years of guerilla war o 5 000 Americans and at 50 000 Filipinos dead o American behavior Turned brutal Saw Filipinos as less than humans and murdered them Americans re engineer Filipino society o William Howard Taft o Road buildings schools etc o Modernizing the Filipinos society Latin American Intervention Cuba and the Platt Amendment 1901 o Cuba wrote constituition o American didn t like it because America wasn t in there o Have control over foreign policy and be able to intervene and have military bases in Cuba Puerto Rico and the Foraker Act 1900 o Governor was going to be American o U S could veto any law o Becomes territory in 1917 Building the Panama Canal 1904 1914 o End of phase of military intervention Taft s Dollar Diplomacy o Increasingly large amounts of investments overseas o Use that to bend countries to our will
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