UGA HIST 2111 - The New South and the Rise of Jim Crow

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The New South and the Rise of Jim Crow Booker T Washington and the Atlanta Compromise Relieve the white southerners o Economic concerns o Racial concerns Said be like the hand need to work together to improve the economy palm in the south but with anything social not be connected fingers New South Creed Belief that the South should diversify its economy o Bring in money from the North o Booster from the North said that the south wasn t going to unionize and wasn t foreign so the company would be better Henry W Grady editor of the Atlanta Constitution its leading proponent Despite such boosterism the South remained largely agricultural Tenancy Sharecropping tenants rent land in return for a share of the crop o Helped the former slaves own land o Instead of cash they paid with the crops that they grew Crop Lien System credit based on future production which turns into debt peonage Debt Peonage sharecroppers become virtual slaves to their debt o Every season try to grow cotton become it is most expensive but it made bad soil so it ruined the crop every year Environmental decline Southern Industry Railroad building boom o Fixed the railroad that was destroyed during civil war and plus new Cotton mills in the Piedmont o Pay was cheaper in South and closer to the cotton than industries in the North Tobacco industry o One type light mint grew well in the poor soil which launched the tobacco boom o Advertised a lot baseball fields Southern timber boom o Dramatic increase for timber in the Northern cities due to increase need for housing Iron and steel production Relation to the Midwest and Northeast The Rise of Jim Crow Name came from minstrel character transformed to mean laws and customs that oppressed African Americans 1877 18902 as a fluid period Jim Crow laws and practices in place widely by late 1890s White wanted to obtain the order of social status that was before the civil war Social and Political Origins of Jim Crow Systems Backlash against upwardly mobile African Americans o Some African Americans moved from poor to middle class during Reconstruction so the White southerners didn t like the fact that they now had to share the things they had like restaurants and train cars Reaction to growth of town and city life o Challenge the social order and get away with it because of the growth so everyone didn t know each other o Set aside public spaces etc parks Effort to control increasingly independent and public oriented white women o Now can go do things without their brothers and husbands o White men worried because they couldn t control African Americans and their women were out in public by themselves Fear on part of Democrats if Populist successes o Populist tried to bridge the racial issue The Legal Basis of Jim Crow Segregation The 14th Amendment and equal protection o Supreme Court said that the 14th Amendment is only political not social Civil Rights Cases of the 1880s 1896 Plessy v Ferguson Supreme Court established concept of separate but equal The Legal Basis for Jim Crow Disfranchisement End of Reconstruction 15th Amendment and end runs around its provisions Williams v Mississippi 1898 Decline in African American voting after 1890s Increase in violence to keep people from resisting the laws Grandfather Clause if your grandfather was eligible to vote in 1860 then you can If the laws aren t written about race than it is fine

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UGA HIST 2111 - The New South and the Rise of Jim Crow

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