UGA HIST 2111 - Test One study guide

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1 1889 Oklahoma Land Rush Farmers in Dakotas and Minnesota endured hard times Wanted to move to Oklahoma for farming but that land was an Indian Reservation Congress passed that the land 2 million acres was now public domain On April 22 thousands of women and men moved to the new land to make it their home The Curtis Act dissolved the Indian Territory and abolished tribal government Dawes Severalty Act broke up the Indian reservation into individual allotments 2 Immigration Push and Pull Factors 3 The Subtreasury Plan Farmers could store their nonperishable commodities in government warehouse and then sell when market prices rose 4 Pullman Strike 5 6 George Pullman owned a Palance Car company The workers lived in Pullman city which is owned by George Would cut pay whenever but not the rent The American railroad union tried to pull strike against the company but didn t work Rise of Jim Crow Factors 10 million blacks worked as sharecropper and tenant farmers but after the cotton bull weevil and floods many moved into the cities and began working at factories mines docks and railroads Rise of racism began and the Jim Crow laws started They segrated everything including public places Many labor unions excluded black workers this lead to a cycle of pverty poor education and discrimination Migrated to the north between 1890 and 1910 Tariffs A tax imposed on imports in and out of a country Or schedule of process for such things as rail services 7 1862 Homestead Act 8 Federal Government laws that gave ownership of land at little or no cost Mostly land from the Indian reservations William Jennings Bryan Congressman from Nebraska and later Secretary of State under President Woodrow Wilson Nominated for both parties Democratic and Populist chose democratic He went around the country speaking often on back of railroad cars First one to do that Never won presidency 9 Debt Peonage After the blacks were freed from slavery they had nowhere to go The worked for plantation owners for housing and food instead of money When the sharecropping or tenant farming came about many people got into a lot of debt so they practically worked for nothing 10 Anti Imperialists William Bryan was leader Believed for United States to rule other people was to violate the principles of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution 1899 failed by one vote to prevent Senate ratification of the peace treaty with Spain 11 Reconstruction Amendments 13th freed slaves 14th made ex slaves citizens of their state and country 15th gave black men the right to vote 12 Henry Ford Model A Cars Fordism became synonym worldwide for efficient assembly line methods Paid his workers well over average at 5 dollars a day Apologized for being anit semantic Hired thugs to keep away unions 13 The Black Codes Allowed for black men to have basic rights but not that of a true freedmen Were free but still slaves Ended when became citizens 14 Plessy v Ferguson Court upheld a Louisiana law requiring segregated railroad cars Separate but equal doctrine 15 Vertical Integration Controlling all aspects of manufacturing from extracting raw material to selling the finished product Carnegie Steel discovered the benefits and soon became the world s largest industrial corporation 16 The New Immigrants 17 Compromise of 1877 Deal that gave Republicans the presidency and restored democrats to power in the south ending reconstruction 18 New South Creed Henry W Grady Industrialized the south Offered tax exemptions to bring business to the south 19 Muck racking Journalism 20 White Man s Burden Poem written by Rudyard Kipling In McClure s in 1899 Written in regard to the U S conquest of the Philippines and other former Spanish colonies 21 Transportation and Immigration 22 Roosevelt Corollary Dominican Republic defaulted on its debts chronic wrongdoing Pronounced the corollary to the 1823 Monroe Doctrine Speak softly and carry a big stick 23 Social Housekeeping 24 Open Door Policy U S couldn t trade with China so they intervened and made it where everyone can trade European and U S could trade with China 25 Great Railroad Strike Caused by wage cut and poor working conditions Strikers refused to let the trains run without the second wage cut lifted Governor sent militia units into stop the strike but they refused to use force against the strikers so they called in federal troops 26 Bull Moose Party Also known as the Progressive Party Roosevelt and his supporters formed it in 1912 27 James Duke Modern cigarette manufacture and marketing 28 Platt Amendment Given the United States its right to intervene in Cuba since 1901 Was terminated with the good neighbor policy which gives right to intervene in affairs to another 29 Free Silver Silver was more common than gold Made coins out of silver 30 1907 Gentlemen s Agreement Between U S and Japan U S wouldn t impose restriction on Japanese immigration and Japan wouldn t allow further emigration to the U S 31 Ku Klux Klan Suppress black voting reestablish white supremacy and topple reconstruction governments Attacked Freedmen s Bureau official white Republicans black militia units economically successful blacks and black voters 32 Scientific Management Monograph published by Fredrick Winslow Taylor in 1911 Management that analyzed and workflows with the objective of improving labor productivity 33 Williams v Mississippi You had to pass a literacy test and pay toll tax in order to vote 34 Chinese Exclusion Act Congress passed the act placing a ten year moratorium on Chinese immigration Was extended in 1902 and not repealed until 1943 35 Sharecropping Tenant farmer paid a share of the crop as rent to the landowner Preferred over wage labor because it s a step to independence 36 Turner s Frontier Thesis Frederick Jackson Turner Origin of the distinctive egalitarian democratic aggressive and innovative features of the American character has been the American frontier experience Stressed the process of moving the frontier line and the impact it had on pioneers 37 Trusts A relationship whereby property is held by one party for the benefit of another 38 Panama Canal Roosevelt wanted to build the canal but Columbia wouldn t allow it He told Panama to uprise against Columbia and U S would back them Construction began in 1906 and the first ship sailed through it in 1914 39 Progressive Era Amendments 18th prohibition 19th women s sufferage 16th income tax 17th direct election of senators 40 Military Reconstruction Act of 1867

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