UT Arlington POLS 2312 - Texas Culture

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POLS 2312 1nd Edition Lecture 2 Outline of Last Lecture I II III IV V Battles of the Alamo and San Jacinto Sucession and Sucession Alternatives Post Civil War Texas Texas Readmission to the Union Early Texas Politics 1914 1945 Outline of Current Lecture VI Texas Through the Decades VII Parts of Texas Current Lecture VI Texas through the decades VIII a 1960 s LB Johnson nominated for vice president b 1970 s i Sharpstown scandal Insurance banking scandal with Leiutenant Governor and house speaker c 1980 s 1989 Edgewood V Kirby i Claimed funding for schools via property tax is unconstitutional d 1990 s i 1990 Ann Richards elected second female governor ii 1992 Kay Bailey Hutchinson elected as Texas first female senator e 2000 s i GOP dominates TX politics ii Democrats have not won since 1994 Parts of Texas a East Texas i Mostly rural and bi racial segregated ii Dominated by Protestantism iii Medical Hub b Gulf Coast i Spindletop OIL marked industrialization in 1901 ii Industrial and petrochemical center c South Texas These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute d e f g h i i The Valley vegetable and citrus growing ii Maquiladoras iii NAFTA US Canada Mexico trading routes German Hill Country i Settled by Eastern European immigrants ii Very conservative iii Mostly Republican iv Migration increasing West Texas i Major oil production ii Sheep cattle production iii Agriculture uses Ogallala Aquifer for massive Irrigation Panhandle i Midwestern in character ii Cotton grain irrigation uses Ogallala Aquifer for Irrigation North Texas i Partially descended from French socialist colony La Reunion ii Dominated by DW Metroplex Central Texas i Microcosim of TX culture ii Austin state capital iii Home of Government Dell UT Austin TEXAS i Diverse race culture ii Large iii Growing

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UT Arlington POLS 2312 - Texas Culture

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