UT Arlington POLS 2312 - Early Texas

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POLS 2312 1nd Edition Lecture 1 Outline of Current Lecture I II III IV V Battles of the Alamo and San Jacinto Sucession and Sucession Alternatives Post Civil War Texas Texas Readmission to the Union Early Texas Politics 1914 1945 Current Lecture I II III IV Battles of the Alamo and San Jacinto a Texas has the 2nd largest population of the states California is 1st i 26 million people as of 2013 Cali Has 37 2 b Alamo i Mexico controlled Texas and Texas wanted freedom ii Revolution leaders holed up at the Alamo which set back Santa Ana but they still lost this battle to the Mexican Armhy iii Remember the Alamo c San Jacinto i Shortly after the Alamo Texas Army defeats Mexico led by Sam Houston ii Texas gains Independence Sucession and Sucession Alternatives a Five State Option i Alternative to succession 1 Could divide into a total of 5 states 2 Would make a total of 10 senators 3 House Representatives would not change b Early Statehood and Succession 1846 1864 i 1860 Texas seceded from the US Post Civil War Texas a 1869 Texas Constitution adopted E J Davis elected as Governor b E J Davis charged with corruption serves only 1 4 year term c Davis was the last Republican Governor for a hundred years Texas Readmission to the Union a 1876 TX Constitution Ratified These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute V b 1890 TX Established 3 member Railroad Commission c Commission exists to this day but now mainly oversees Oil Drilling Early Texas Politics 1914 1945 a Farmer Jim i James E Ferguson Farmer Jim 1 Used Farmer Jim to emphasize rural past and connection with voters 2 Anti Prohibitionist Pro Alcohol 3 Elected governor in 1914 reelected in 1916

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UT Arlington POLS 2312 - Early Texas

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