OK First thing you will notice is that my color scheme is a little different but the buttons are in the same place I assure you Now lets get started We all pretty much know this scene by heart now So first thing we are going to do is get rid of the cube by pressing Tab and then x and then erase selected object like so Now the reason I erase the object in object mode is because it erases the whole object but if I erase the object in edit by getting rid or the vertices then the object still exists just with no vertices Next thing we do is create a Plane which will be our ground for our small game Press space in the 3D window then select Add Mesh Plane Now we have the first part of our ground but we have one problem this one tile is way to small to have a game of any sort on So we will have to resize it We do this by pressing the S key while all the vertices are selected still If all vertices are not yellow press the A key and it will select all vertices of the active model in edit mode You will notice a line from the objects center point That lines tells you where the cursor is and in turn shows you the relation between size of object and cursor location to center For this project it would be fine to make the plane as wide as the screen for now Now we will change the view to front by pressing the 1 key on the number pad Ok so now we see the front and no what right Well we will need to zoom out We do this by pressing the on the number pad Press it about two times Ok now it is time to add some walls to our floor So with all vertices selected still in edit mode we press the E key to extrude we will be given a menu with three options For this project we will select the only edges option This option uses the outside edges only to create walls Now raise the newly extruded walls about two cubes up If you selected Region it will create the walls and the face that connects the walls as well And if you select Only Vertices that will extrude selected vertices only with no faces Now hit the Tab button to exit edit mode and go back to object mode Hmmm Just looks like a box huh Well it s more then that I assure you Now I want you to add a Cube object while we are in object mode The same way we added the Plane press space in the 3D window then Add then Mesh then Cube Now we have what will be our basic character Sweet But the character may be a little big for the world so lets make it small This part is really up to you and what you want After you resize the box press the Tab key to goto object mode And after that we will move the box up past the floor about one block You should have something that looks kinda like this Now we should change the colors of each object and name the objects and their colors Ok let me explain how I got to this picture I first selected the button in the button window at the 1 spot The 2 spot just tells you that you are in the material menu of the shading properties The 3 spot is what we will be using to change the color of our object and the 4 spot is where we name our mesh In this box type player Then select the add New button directly about where you named the mesh Now you will notice a completely different menu now Don t be alarmed we won t be using all of this just yet We are going to change the color properties in the 1 spot They are labeled R G B And are the Red Green Blue variables Play with those until you get a color you like Then secondly you name the Material in the 2 spot Name this material body After you do that select the other object and follow the same steps but name your mesh ground and the material for it floor And when you are done adding color and names to the ground Select the DY button at the 3 spot For this project we are only going to worry about the friction variable Which is the middle bar in the 1 spot That we will set to 0 Friction tends to cause funny movement After that we will select the player and the we press the Logic button at point 2 In order to get this screen you will will want to press the button at spot 1 then the button at spot 2 Lets get closer shall we Now set the variables to match this screen Mass 01 Radius to the size of your object Damp 768 ish RotDamp 904 ish Now if you press P in the 3d window The player will fall saweet Press Exit to exit game mode Now with the player selected press Alt R and select clear rotation Now the fun stuff Logic Bricks First thing first Press each of the Add buttons for the object That will get you to the second shot Then select the drop menu in the first column And on that menu select keyboard And now we make motion In the first column select a key you would like to use for your forward motion Then in the middle of the columns you will see two circles Select one and drag to the one you want to connect to And release you mouse button This will make a connection Do the same for the other side Now all we have to do is select the outcome of this button being presses In the third column there is a row that s titles Force we are going to change the Y force on our object We now have motion So set the Y to about 2 Now create a new set of logic bricks and name the old set for what they do No two names will be alike so Blender adds a numerical value after the name Now we will add rotation to our objects Under Sensors select what key you want to turn the object Then connect to the controller Then under Torque in the Actuators Change the Z variable to 0 02 to make the object turn to the Right and 0 02 to turn towards the Left Now we create a jump function But first we should minimize these windows else we won t be able to see what s going on to well In the top right of each block is an orange triangle this triangle minimizes the windows After you minimize all the blocks add two sensors one controller and one actuator And now we will create a …
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