Pitt CHEM 0310 - Course Documents

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2091 10690 CHEM 0310 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 1 2091 10690 COURSE DOCUMENTS Course Documents General Documents Extra Resources Not mandatory for course success Exams Chem 0310 Recitation a k a Workshops Review Problems Chapter 1 Structure and Bonding Chapter 2 Structure and Reactivity Chapter 3 Reactions of Alkanes Chapter 4 Cycloalkanes Chapter 5 Stereoisomers Chapter 6 Bimolecular Nucleophilic Substitution Chapter 7 Unimolecular Substitution and Pathways of Elimination Chapter 8 Alcohols Synthetic Strategies Chapter 9 Alcohols and Ethers EDIT VIEW Chapter 10 Using NMR to Deduce Structure Chapter 11 Alkenes Chapter 12 Reactions of Alkenes Chapter 13 Alkynes

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Pitt CHEM 0310 - Course Documents

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