Purdue STAT 30100 - Lecture Notes

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LAB4 INSTRUCTIONS USING EXCEL 2007 SCATTERPLOTS AND CORRELATION NAME LAB TIME LAB BLDG 1 2 3 Go to the Stat 301T webpage click on Lab Data and Questions and open the Lab 4 Data file The file consists of three columns Column B shows the total of morning temperatures for a week Monday through Sunday Column C shows the gas used by the old furnace to heat a house for the week Column D shows the gas used by a new furnace to heat the same house for the week We want to investigate the relationship between the outside temperature and the gas used by the furnace to heat the house A scatterplot will be drawn to explore this 4 Name the Explanatory Variable 5 Name the Response Variable 6 Make a scatterplot for rows 1 through 79 between Column B and Column C as follows 1 Highlight columns B and C from row 2 to row 79 2 Go to toolbar click Insert then Scatter Select Scatter with only Markers the first one 3 Click on the graph then go to toolbar and click Layout Chart Title Select Above Chart and enter Weekly Gas Use by Old Furnace vs Week s Total Morning Temperature 4 Click Layout Axis Titles Primary Horizontal Axis Title Title Below Axis Enter appropriate X axis title 5 Click Layout Axis Titles Primary Vertical Axis Title Rotated Title Enter appropriate Y axis title 6 Right click on Series1 legend on the graph choose Select Data In the pop up window click Edit Enter Old Furnace as Series Name 7 Interpret the scatterplot with respect to FORM DIRECTION STRENGTH and DEVIATIONS FROM THE PATTERN outliers 1 Form 2 Direction 3 Strength 4 Outliers 8 To quantify STRENGTH calculate the correlation between the X and Y variables as follows 1 Go to A127 and enter correlation 2 Go to B127 Enter Go to toolbar to get the function CORREL The first time you try this you will probably have to click on select a category choose Statistical and scroll down to get the CORREL function After you use it once it will stay on the recently used list on the toolbar 3 Fill in the array 1 with B2 B79 and array 2 with C2 C79 Press OK 4 The correlation will be shown in B127 Record the correlation 9 What does the sign of the correlation mean 10 If array 1 had been c2 c79 and array 2 had been b2 b79 would the correlation be changed 11 If the temperatures had been measured in degrees C rather than degrees F would the correlation be changed 12 After line 79 a new furnace replaced the old furnace Now construct another scatterplot to show both the old furnace data and the new furnace data on the same plot as follows 1 Highlight columns B C and D from rows 1 through 124 2 Go to the toolbar and click Insert Scatter Scatter with only Markers 3 Right click on the title and change it to OLD AND NEW FURNACES VS MORNING TEMPERATURE 4 Put appropriate X and Y axis titles 13 The new scatterplot shows the data for both the old and new furnaces on the same grid with different symbols and colors for each variable A legend identifies the two variables 14 Interpret the scatterplot for the new furnace data 1 Form 2 Direction 3 Strength 4 Outliers 15 Go to D127 and calculate the correlation between the total temperature and the new furnace gas use Array 1 is B80 B124 and array 2 is D80 D124 Correlation 16 Look at the scatterplot showing both the old and new furnaces Does it suggest that one furnace uses less gas than the other 17 Print the second scatterplot to turn in with the answers above 18 Save your file because you will do more with it next week

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