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9 14 MIT Spring 2009 Class 7 8 Questions on Schneider chapters and lectures 1 How is the neural tube able to form from a single layer of cells at the surface of the gastrula What parts of the neural tube are the last to do this 2 How could changes in cell shape result in invagination of the neural plate to form the neural tube 3 Contrast symmetric and asymmetric cell division in the CNS 4 What is the sulcus limitans What does it separate 5 Where does myelin appear in phylogeny I e in what animal groups is it found and not found 6 What are three lemniscal pathways carrying information from spinal cord to supraspinal levels of the CNS 7 Define propriospinal axons 8 Where is cerebrospinal fluid made and how does it get both inside and outside the CNS 9 What are the meninges Describe the three meningeal layers 10 What is the special role of astrocytes astroglial cells in the blood supply to the brain 11 Contrast the sympathetic and the parasympathetic nervous systems by giving examples of structural differences functional differences and differences in neurotransmitters 12 Contrast the dorsal horn the lateral horn and the ventral horn of the spinal gray matter 13 Why is the enteric nervous system considered to be a separate system 9 14 MIT Spring 2009 Class 7 8 Questions on readings Swanson 14 What are the four elements of the fundamental body plan of all members of the phylum Chordata from the worm like Amphioxus to the Primates Elephants and Cetaceans 15 Vertebrate embryos at early stages consist of what three layers Which of these layers is the last to form by cell migration from which one of the earlier formed layers 16 What is Baer s Law from Karl von Baer 1828 17 Which layer forms a thickened region called the neural plate which later becomes the nervous system What causes the neural plate to form 18 What are sensory placodes Questions on readings Purves Lichtman 19 Explain why Wilhelm Roux is considered the founder of experimental embryology even though his major experimental contribution was soon proved to be invalid 20 Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny How is this phrase both useful and misleading 21 What is the fate of the three germ layers of the gastrula 22 What is an epidermal placode or sensory placode 23 Why is the wall of the neural tube described as a pseudostratified epithelium Question on readings Striedter 24 What is epigenetic population matching How is it related to trophic factors MIT OpenCourseWare http ocw mit edu 9 14 Brain Structure and Its Origins Spring 2009 For information about citing these materials or our Terms of Use visit http ocw mit edu terms

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