UNT HIST 2620 - Congressional (Radical) Reconstruction
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HIST 2620 Section 008 Lecture 3 Outline of Last Lecture I Black Codes II Congress s complaints III Congress Johnson disagreements a Freedmen s Bureau b Early 1866 2nd Freedmen s Bureau Bill c Fourteenth amendment 1866 1868 d Election of 1866 Outline of Current Lecture I Congressional Radical Reconstruction a 1st Reconstruction Act 1867 b Southern reforms II Other Reconstruction Developments a The Ku Klux Klan b KKK Enforcement Acts c Impeachment of Pres Johnson Current Lecture IV Congressional Radical Reconstruction a 1st Reconstruction Act 1867 i Southern States are taken over by army 1 That ever happens except for natural disasters that s why this was radical ii Confederate states must set up new state governments iii New state governments must allow black voting and office holding 1 First time that a significant numbers of black Americans could vote 2 The first African Americans elected to Congress iv New states must ratify 14th Amendment b Republicans take over southern state governments and make reforms i Black majority vote voted Republicans ii Carpet baggers 1 From northern union staes who moved south after the war who sided with African American republicans iii Scallywags These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute 1 Fellow white southerners who joined with the former slaves in the republican party iv Carpet baggers and scallywags brought about social reforms other beneficial changes made the south democratic c Readmission i States complete process 7 in 1868 3 in 1870 Texas ii First time they re represented in Congress since before the war d Readmission vs Redemption i Redemption when white conservative southerners regained control of Congress and state governments ii Readmission when southern states complete the processes of the 1st Reconstruction Act and are admitted back into Congress e Redeemers gain control of southern staes 1870 1877 i Reform stops ii Reconstruction is over f Reconstruction ended before it could be considered completely over V Other Reconstruction Developments a The Ku Klux Klan i Founded 1866 Tennessee ii Becomes violent political body 1867 1 Used violence to promote their political ideals democratic iii Decentralized locally oriented 1 There were separate groups in each cities towns some went by different names 2 They did not all wear white robes and pointed masks iv Targets and methods 1 To implement their political beliefs b KKK Enforcement Acts 1870 1871 i Enforcing the 15th Amendment 1 Applies black voting black office holding to the entire nation ii Made any interference with voting a federal offense iii Allowed president to suspend writ of habeas corpus iv If arrested you must be allowed to see a judge v President Grant used these Acts to dissemble the Klan as much as possible c Impeachment of Pres Johnson i Tenure of Office Act 1867 ii Johnson fires Secretary of War Stanton 1867 iii Impeachment and trial 1868 1 Must be 2 3 majority to vote 2 Trial occurs in Senate

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