11 17 09 SI A Ecl 365 Metabolism and Size 1 What are the three ways ingested chemical energy is used in the body a Biosynthesis maintenance generation of external work 2 Fill in the missing parts of this chart a 1 biosythesis 2 maintenance 3 generation of external work 4 heat 5 Fecal 3 Assimilation a Assimilation somatic individual growth reproductive growth respiration 4 Ingestion a Assimilation Excretion 5 Ingestion a Excretion somatic individual growth reproductive growth respiration 6 What is the definition of ingestion a Represents the demand the organism puts on the environment 7 What is the definition of respiration a The rate of resource use to meet environmental demands 8 Assimilation Respiration a Production 9 10 What does BMR stand for a Basal Metabolic Rate 11 What does BMR mean a Minimal metabolic rate for fasting non reproducing resting animal under no thermal stress Minimal cost of survival 12 What does SMR stand for a Standard Metabolic Rate 13 What does RMR stand for a Resting Metabolic Rate 14 True False RMR and SMR stand for the same thing a True 15 What does RMR mean a Minimal rate under specified thermal conditions 16 What does FMR stand for a Field Metabolic Rate 17 What does FMR mean a Cost of life in real world 18 When is maximum metabolic rate exhibited a Burst activity The best an animal can do 19 True False Burst activity is fueled by aerobic pathways and can be maintained for long periods of time for nearly all animals a False anaerobic body becomes acidic cannot maintain for a long period of time 20 What does DEE stand for a Daily Energy Expenditure 21 What are reasons reasons metabolic rates may vary a Body size sex age b Reproduction digestion activity illness social interactions adaptation to different environments body composition time of day time of year 22 Assimilated Energy a Metabolizable energy 23 Growth Daily Energy Expenditure a Metaboizable or assimilated energy 24 Conversions a 1 W 1 J sec b 1 cal 4 814 J c 1 mL O2 consumption 20 J 25 True False Rates of heat loss vary across body surfaces differ between animals and often change adjustments in blood flow or insulation a True 26 Circle one Larger Smaller animals use energy faster than larger smaller animals a Larger smaller 27 What is Mass specific metabolic rate a Cost of supporting one unit of mass of tissue 28 Circle one Mass specific metabolic rates get lower as body size increases decreases a Increases 29 30
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