Lecture 12 May 21 2001 Prabhakar Raghavan Web characterization Research Problems Nodes static web pages 1 billion Edges static hyperlinks 10 billion Web graph Snapshot of web pages and hyperlinks Sparse graph 7 links page on average Focus on graph structure ignore content How big is the graph How many links on a page outdegree How many links to a page indegree Can one browse from any web page to any other How many clicks Can we pick a random page on the web Search engine measurement Can we exploit the structure of the web graph for searching and mining What does the web graph reveal about social processes which result in its creation and dynamics How different is browsing from a random walk Exploit structure for Web algorithms Crawl strategies Search Mining communities Classification organization Web anthropology Prediction discovery of structures Sociological understanding Altavista crawls May 99 Oct 99 Feb 00 220 317 500M pages 1 5 2 1B 5B hyperlinks Compaq CS2 connectivity server back link information 10bytes url 3 4bytes link 0 15 s access given pages return their in out neighborhood Weakly connected components WCC Strongly connected components SCC Breadth first search BFS Diameter Typical diameter algorithm number of steps pages links For 500 million pages 5 billion links even at a very optimistic 0 15 s step we need 4 billion seconds Hopeless Will estimate diameter distance metrics On the other hand can handle tasks linear in the links 5 billion at a s step E g breadth first search First eliminate duplicate pages mirrors Linear time implementations for WCC and SCC 220 million pages after duplicate elimination Giant WCC has 186 million pages Giant SCC has 56 million pages Cannot browse your way from any page to any other Next biggest SCC 150K pages Fractions roughly the same in other crawls SCC 56M pages WCC 186M pages Disconnected debris 34M pages Start at a page p get its neighbors their neighbors etc Get profile of the number of pages reached by crawling out of p as a function of distance d Can do this following links forwards as well as backwards Start at 1000 random pages For each start page build BFS reachability vs distance profiles going forwards and backwards How many pages are reachable from a random page BFS out of a page either dies quickly 100 pages reached explodes and reaches 100 million pages somewhat over 50 of starting pages SCC pages 25 of total reach 56M pages Qualitatively the same following in or outlinks Need another 100 56 44M pages reachable from SCC gives us 100M pages reachable from SCC Likewise need another 44M pages reachable from SCC going backwards These together don t account for all 186M pages in giant WCC newbie www ibm com leaf htm For random pages p1 p2 Pr p1 reachable from p2 1 4 Maximum directed distance between 2 SCC nodes 28 Maximum directed distance between 2 nodes given there is a path 900 Average directed distance between 2 SCC nodes 16 Average undirected distance 7 Given the BFS and component size measurements how can we infer all of the above measurements Pr k c k for a constant c log Pr k c log k Thus plotting log Pr k against log k should give a straight line of negative slope Probability that a random page has k other pages pointing to it is 2 1 k Power law Slope 2 1 Probability that a random page points to k other pages is k 2 7 Slope 2 7 Largest WCC 186M SCC 56M Connected component sizes Rates of visits to sites Degrees of nodes in physical network Broder et al Graph structure in the Web WWW9 2000 www almaden ibm com cs k53 www9 final Albert R Jeong H Barabasi A L 1999 Diameter of the world wide web Nature 401 130 131 http citeseer nj nec com context 938378 0 M Faloutsos P Faloutsos and C Faloutsos On PowerLaw Relationships of the Internet Topology SIGCOMM 99 pp 251 262 Aug 1999 http citeseer nj nec com context 973789 208125 P Papers prizes Money Difficulty If computation were not a limit could we get better ranking in search results Better classification Better clustering What does better mean P P P P For query w AND of two terms we retrieve and intersect their postings sets Can do work disproportionately large compared to the size of the output Is there a data structure that does better than this without keeping a postings entry for each pair of terms P Recommended query processing order in early lectures simple heuristics infamous true false question from midterm What can we do that s more sophisticated but still fast in practice P In high dimensional vector spaces moderate preprocessing fast query processing nearly accurate nearest neighbors P P P Saw several schemes Bayes SVM for classifying based on exemplary docs Can also automatically classify based on persistent queries How can we combine the two Issues Combined representation of topic UI design vs representation P Web IR search classification benchmarks Benchmarks for measuring recommendation systems P P P P Metrics of human effort how much human effort vs accuracy training by exemplary docs vs persistent queries UI effects what is the ideal user environment for building taxonomies What does it take to get to 98 accuracy Combination of UI algorithms best practices P P P How do you summarize a set of docs Results of clustering trawling Visual vs textual vs combinations Measuring quality of summarization P P P P Given a corpus extract its significant themes organize into a navigation structure Visualization of themes in corpus Power set all subsets of docs in a corpus some subsets are interesting which ones how do you organize them for human consumption P P P P P How do intranet structures differ from internet structures Influence of policy on content creators P P P Not an exact science Focus on end user who why how Bend rules for progress ignore performance to start with think huge power sets
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