UT Knoxville BIOL 101 - MicroscopyWorksheet 1

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Exercise 1 Visualizing Organisms Worksheet Name Date Microscopic Leah Gray 9 10 13 Lab Section 41085 1 When any object is observed under the microscope which objective lens should be used first and why Please discuss in complete sentences a The first objective that should be used is called the scanning objective This objective allows you to see the whole picture first with not many details There is a clearer understanding as to repositioning and magnifying when the scanning objective is used first 2 What are three advantages disadvantages of dissecting scopes compared to compound microscopes a The dissecting scope cannot magnify a sample as well as the compound microscope Therefore on is limited to a small magnification b The dissecting scope is easier to get a clear magnification without the use of a stage but it is a lot less detailed c The compound microscope can magnify the sample much better and accurately through the other options rather than just having one magnification 3 Discuss three real world situations where a compound microscope would be essential A compound microscope could be used for many different medical situations If there was a patient with cancer they could find out what kind and how bad the cancer was with test using a compound microscope There could be a virus going around in a certain type of food that could be killing people and they could figure out how to identify this virus through a compound microscope There could also be a potentially dangerous circumstance of people taking medicine that had something that made them die instantaneously and a compound microscope would be used in this case to identify what is there in the sample to be making this happen

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UT Knoxville BIOL 101 - MicroscopyWorksheet 1

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