Name Leah Gray HOMEWORK DIET WARS Section 41085 For 48 hours two full days keep a complete log of everything that you eat and drink excluding water Record each as an entry in the table below and remember to include both meals and snacks Item Por tio n siz e Chargrilled chick and fruit salad Reduced Fat Berry Balsamic Vinaigrette Chick fil a sandwich 1 apple 1 1 1 1 yogurt banana Raisin bran Orange Milk Grains ounce s Veg cups Fruits cups 2 cups 1 cup Dairy cups Meat ounce s 5 tsps 5 ounces 6 ounces 1 cup 1 cup 1 cup 6 ounces 1 1 Peanut butter jelly 1 bread 2 celery 1 carrots pasta 1 1 Marinar a salad 1 tomato 1 cheese 1 ranch 1 popcorn 1 1 cup 2 cups 5 cup 5 cup 1 440 53 120 73 180 45 122 50 150 1 cup 6 50 182 10 ounces 5 cup 5 cup 5 cup 129 8 16 25 cup 25 cup 16 ounces 110 94 6 ounces 1 Calorie s 220 1 1 Oils tsp 195 73 100 Ite m Portion size Grains ounce s Veg cups Fruits cups Dairy cups Meat ounce s Oils tsp Calorie s Your food diary and the following questions are due in your next lab period 1 You have recorded your food and beverage intake for 2 days Average the food group servings and calorie content over the 2 days of collection by adding each column and dividing by 2 2 day total Avera ge divid e by 2 Grains Veg Fruit Dairy Meat Oils Calories 43 5 5 4 3 5 6 5 2416 21 5 2 75 2 1 75 3 2 5 1208 How many servings of each category are recommended FOR YOU Consult ChooseMyPlate gov for further information so you can answer the following questions 2 What portion of your grains are whole grains 6 oz 3 How does your calorie intake compare with the recommendations for your gender and activity level Gender female Activity level moderate Recommended calories 1200 Averaged calories 1208 4 You are eating too little of what food groups I am eating too little protein and dairy 5 You are eating too much of which food group s I am eating too many grains 6 Name one food in your diary that you ate the largest portion of at a time I ate too much pasta This was eaten in the cafeteria some I was estimating the portion size 7 Would you have guessed previously that this was more than one servings I would have guessed it but would have carelessly put it on my plate anyways 8 Describe two things YOU might do to improve your overall health that are evident in this dietary analysis I am going to follow better portions I am eating too much of grains and need to balance that out
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