UNT PSCI 1040 - What are Politics and How do they Work?
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PSCI 1040 1st Edition Lecture 1 Outline of Last Lecture I No lecture Outline of Current Lecture I Lecture 1 What are Politics and how do they work Definition of Politics Plurality The Power of the Government Services of the Government Government and Policies Types of Government Government by the many Tradition types of Democracy Current Lecture What do we mean by Politics A group of people who make decisions for the greater group A group of people who manage resources define values and work to help better the greater group An institution that makes decisions for the greater group Plurality Plurality has a slightly different meaning that majority but is a similar idea For example Say you have three candidates One gets 40 of votes one gets 30 and the other gets 30 Therefore the candidate with 40 has plurality Plurality is the largest percentage The Power of the Government The government creates law and puts taxes on the public as a form of control even though we are a free people We call ourselves free but we are not completely The consequences for breaking the rules of the government are These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Jail Paying a Fine Tax Penalty Services of the Government We forget about the common services the government provides us with like public schools and garbage pick up The government in in charge of other important parts of society such as welfare services and daycare They are also in charge of enforcing what is called norms of behavior This is a structure of morals and values that the government puts on the people even though we have our personal freedom It is a set of standards that we are expected to abide by Government and Policies The vast majority of Americans feel frustrated with the Government systems Why does this happen The government is in charge They hold the power and people fear them Do we need a government No Not necessarily Other places function without a government It provides organization to a larger community but is of course full of negatives as well Types of Government Tyranny when power is put in a single person interested in using their power for the benefit of themselves ex South Korea Monarchy power is put in a single person who uses their power for the good of the people Obligarchy power is put in a small group of people who use their power for the benefit of themselves ex South Africa Aristoctracy power is put in a small number of individuals who use their power for the good of the people Government by the Many Democracy power is shared between the government and the people though elections Traditional Types of Democracy Direct Democracy the people run the government Representative Democracy the people vote for a group of people to run the government

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UNT PSCI 1040 - What are Politics and How do they Work?

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 3
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