UT Arlington POLS 2312 - Texas and The Nation

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POLS 2312 1nd Edition Lecture 4 Outline of Last Lecture I Texas A state in a Federal System II Federalism in the Constitution Outline of Current Lecture III Dual Federalism IV Cooperative Federalism V Coercive Federalism VI Texas Joins the United States VII Texas in the Progressive Era VIII Impact of the Progressive Era on TX IX Texas and the New Deal X National Legislative Influence Current Lecture A CURRENT EVENTS Race for lieutenant governor David Dewhurst v Todd Staples Agriculture commissioner of TX A Dewhurst 11 point plan B Staples Big on immigration reform a 10 Steps to a Strong Texas b Political advertisement goes after Washington and Obama Calls them babykissers who are proposing the same tactics that have never worked c Supported by Nolan Ryan as a big figure in Texas this is a good thing B POWER POINT III Dual Federalism 1789 1937 a Since the New Deal the federal government has been able to use the commerce clause to regulate large swaths of domestic activities These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute b Congress influences states to enforce laws and regulations by offering them funds to do so c Grants in Aid categorical grants i Funds from the federal government to the state local government for a specific purpose i e Grants for water systems IV Cooperative Federalism d Definition model in which the various levels of government work together to solve policy problems often with the federal government providing a portion of the funding i This is how many highways are built like the Hi 5 in Dallas etc ii States would provide about 90 of money needed for the highway system e Expansion of federal power diminishes the old paradigm of dual federalism f Cooperation between states and government replaces dual federalism g Morton Grodzin s cake analogy i Dual federalism is a layer cake governments are in layers completely separated ii Cooperative federalism is a marble cake governments mix and cooperate h Regulated Federalism i Increased funding from government allowed them to demand higher standards in building 1 Straighter roads could be used for military i Preemption i The principle that allows the federal government to override state local actions in certain policy areas ii Occurs when state local actions do not agree with national requirements iii Council from Azle TX visited Austin and the Rail road Commission to protest the oil drilling and fracking believed to be causing their earthquakes j Congress dramatically increased UNFUNDED MANDATES rules forcing states to spend their own money to comply with federal law i NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND under George W Bush ii Wanted more teacher aides in schools paid for by government for first couple years then SCHOOLS had to pay for them k Backlash to federal preemption and unfunded mandates led to calls for DEVOLUTION transferring responsibility from federal government to state local governments i Popular since the 1970 s ii Idea led to New Federalism iii Devolves many policies back to the states l Nixon came up with Block Grants i Less federal money given but there are fewer restrictions on what recipient can do with it ii Larry Carter s town got a block grant and voted to use it for 2 new stop signs and fixing the town s side walk m Reagan i Cut aid to states by 12 ii Remove fed Government from local matters governed by states n Clinton i Welfare reform in 1996 grants tied to federal rules regulations o Federal money is almost 40 of money spent by the state of Texas i If Government cuts their spending States also must cut their spending V Coercive Federalism a Federal regulations force states to change their policies to meet national goals i Americans with Disabilities Act ADA required buildings to have handicap parking and entrances ramps and such 1 Still not completed Hard to retro fit this to older buildings 2 Department stores and restraunts hated this especially 3 Other Countries handle this differently EX At a restraunt busboys pick up the person carry them inside and someone brings the wheelchair up ii No Child Left Behind NCLB iii Patient Protection Affordable Health Care Act Affordable Health Care ObamaCare VI Texas Joins the United States a 1845 Texas becomes the 28th state proceeds to leave the union b 1869 Texas receives four congressional districts VII Texas in Progressive Era c Single party dynamic facilities institutional and political advantages i Sometimes people ran unopposed d Lack of party competition assures re election e Seniority in Congress is easily achieved similar to tenure f Ascent to leadership positions is due to tenures in Congress VIII Impact of the Progressive Era on Texas g Wilson era policy changes has states lose power to the federal government h The Federal Reserve System created i Foremost development in federal expansion i Constitutional changes i Senator s directly elected ii 1919 Women granted right to vote iii Federal income tax established iv RICK PERRY wants to appeal constitutional amendment regarding voting for senator he wants this to go away IX Texas and the New Deal j Partisan power and ideological shifts begin k National Democratic Party Decline i 1918 Democrats lose Congressional majority ii 1920 Democrats lose presidency l Texas and former Confederate States remain m Federal role expands via the interstate commerce clause n National regulation of economy i Institutions now in place federal allow larger role o National interests in protecting civil rights i Southern states enduring resistance to extend full citizenship to African Americas ii Federal intervention required to guarantee the rights p Schism within Democratic Party due to i New Deal dividing liberal and conservative factions ii Civil Rights splitting party North v South q Texas Shivercats i Conservative Democrats who vote for conservative Republican Eisenhower X National Legislative Influence a Sam Rayburn i Speaker of House Rep 1 Longest tenure in American History 17 years b Lyndon B Johnson i Senate Majority Leader ii Served all 4 offices c Clear national shift conservatives have left Democratic party now in Republican party d Many conservative Texans in office switch parties surge of Republicans in South e Republican coalition of social economic conservatives i Emphasis on tax cuts increased state authority family values and national defense f Tea Party movement emerges out of Republican party in 2010 g

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UT Arlington POLS 2312 - Texas and The Nation

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