Berkeley COMPSCI 161 - Computer Security

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CS 161 Fall 2005 Computer Security Joseph Tygar Vazirani Wagner Notes 20 In this lecture we will explore some issues in implementing a digital form of cash ecash We normally think of cash as paper money or coins issued by the treasury or a central bank Can the assurances normally assumed for cash be made to carry over to the digital domain in the form of a sequence of bits To explore some of the issues that arise in this context let us consider a protocol involving three players the customer the merchant and the bank The outline of the protocol we would like to implement is as follows The customer Alice interacts with the bank to withdraw some cash She then interacts with the merchant exchanging the cash for some goods The merchant Bob then interacts with the bank to deposit the cash in his account A first attempt at implementing this protocol might look like this 1 The bank sends Alice a digital 1 bill This might be a message signed with the bank s RSA private key saying serial number x This is a 1 bill 2 Alice sends the cash to Bob in exchange for goods 3 Bob later deposits the cash into his account at the bank There are several problems with this protocol It is not anonymous The bank gets to keep a record of all of Alice s spending Double spending Since the cash is digital in nature Alice can easily duplicate it and spend the same 1 bill again with another merchant Carol Blind Signatures One of the key building blocks to achieve anonymity is a blind signature Recall that RSA signatures require the signer to compute md mod N where d N is the private key and e N is the public key A blind RSA signature is carried out as follows Alice sends Bob s r e m mod N where r is a random number mod N Bob computes t sd mod N and sends the result to Alice Alice computes t r mod N md mod N The point is that t sd re m d rmd mod N A blind signature allows Alice to obtain Bob s signature on a message of her choice without Bob having any idea what the message being signed is Proposal 1 Alice and the bank will use blind signatures to collectively create a 1 bill signed by the bank but one which the bank will not recognize as coming from Alice In this scheme a valid 1 bill is a pair x y where y f x d mod N Here f is a one way function ideally a one way hash function e N is the bank s public key and d N is the private key CS 161 Fall 2005 Notes 20 1 To withdraw the 1 bill Alice picks x computes f x and runs the blind signature protocol with the bank on f x i e Alice picks a random r mod N sends the bank s r e f x mod N The bank sends back t sd mod N and Alice recovers y f x d t r mod N To pay Bob 1 Alice sends him x y When Bob later deposits x y the bank checks that y e f x and that x y is not on its list of previously deposited bills The main feature of this scheme is that the bank cannot connect the bill x y with Alice since the blind signature was performed on a perfectly random string s The reason for the one way function f is to prevent forging For example if instead a valid 1 bill were x y where y xd mod N then Alice could forge a bill by first picking y mod N and then computing x ye mod N Instead in the protocol presented above y f x d and forging in this way would require Alice to invert the one way function This is because when Alice selects y at random and encrypts it she obtains f x instead of x which she needs to successfully forge One way to create ecash with several denominations is for the bank to use different RSA keys to create bills of different denominations There is also an elegant way for the bank to achieve this while using the same composite N but different encryption exponents e for different denominations e g e 3 for nickels e 5 for dimes e 7 for quarters and e 11 for dollar bills One subtle point is that choosing e 9 for a dollar bill would be a mistake This is because under this scheme x y is a valid dollar bill whenever y9 f x mod N Now x z y3 is a valid nickel since z3 y9 f x mod N Thus choosing e 0 would allow Alice to forge an extra nickel for every dollar she withdraws from the bank Choosing the encryption exponents to be prime numbers gets around this potential problem One issue with this ecash scheme is that the bank has to be online at all times to identify bills and the merchant Bob must cash the bill immediately in case Alice tries to double spend These days this is not considered a major problem but for completeness we describe an offline scheme below Offline ecash The basic idea of this scheme is that instead of preventing double spending it enables the bank to detect it If the user does not double spend the bank does not learn her identity If the user double spends the bank can compute her identity and take suitable action Alice generates 2k messages of the form f xi and f xi Id where xi is selected at random Here Id is identifying information about Alice She sends all these values for blind signature to the bank The point of this construction is that revealing either xi or xi Id reveals nothing about Alice but revealing both completely gives away her identity The rest of the protocol is designed to check that Alice really does encode her true identity in these pairs and that double spending reveals both of at least one pair of messages with high probability The bank asks Alice to unblind k randomly chosen pairs by revealing the corresponding x i s and xi Id s and the random number ri used in the blinding protocol The bank checcks the k chosen pairs and checks that Id really is Alice s identifying information If the k randomly chosen pairs check out then the bank assumes that most of the remaining pairs must also be correctly created an event that holds with very high probability and it signs them Alice thus obtains blind signatures on k pairs of messages of the form f x i and f xi Id CS 161 Fall 2005 Notes 20 2 To pay the merchant Bob Alice goes through the following protocol with him Alice sends Bob the k pairs of signatures f xi d mod N and f xi Id d mod N Bob sends k bits b1 …

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Berkeley COMPSCI 161 - Computer Security

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