9 25 SI A Ecl 365 Test Review 1 Name 4 characteristics of a chordate 2 3 subphylums of chordata 3 What are some of the main characteristics of vertebrates Craniata when compared to the other two phyla 4 How did vertebrates originate according to theory 5 What is Paedomorphosis 6 Evolutionary features of vertebrates 7 Compare contrast Systematics and taxonomy 8 What was Aristotelian essentialism and how does it relate to this course 9 Carolus Linnaeus provided the scientific world with 10 Who published Evolution by Natural Selection 11 What are the components of natural selection 12 Is natural selection random 13 Difference between anology and homology 14 What is Allopatric speciation 15 What is Vicariant speciation 16 What is founder effect 17 Are founders representative of original population 18 What is sympatric speciation 19 What are the two forms of sympatric speciation and how are they different
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