Pitt PSY 0505 - the cells in the nervous system
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Y 0505 1st Ed dition PSY Leccture 3 Outline of Last Lecture I Ventricles the inteernal core off the spinal cord II Spinal co ord A Wheen the spinaal nerve getss close to th he spinal cord it splits in nto 1 Venttral root 2 Dorssal root III General structures of the brain n A Foreebrain B Midbrain dbrain C Hind Sagittal section of C CNS IV dulla A Med 1 Reticcular formaation B Ponss C Cereebellum D Hypo othalamus E Thallamus V Cerebraal cortex A SSeparated in nto 4 lobes each has a primary an nd associatio on cortex 1 Fron ntal a OrbitoFront O al Corex 2 Parieetal 3 Tem mporal 4 Occipital Outline of Currrent Lecturee Cellss in the Nerrvous System m I Supporttive cells fo or every neu uron there aare 10 supp port cells A G Glial cells 1 Astroccytes B O Oligiodendrrocyte C SSchwann ceell satellite cells II Types off Neurons A B Bipolar B IInterneuron n These e notes represent a detaile ed interpretation of the pro ofessor s lecturre GradeBudd dy is best used d as a supplement to yyour own note es not as a su ubstitute C Multipolar neuron D Unipolar III Structure of the neuron A Soma B Dendrites C Axon D Terminal buttons E Myelin sheath F The movement IV Resting potential 70 millivolts A Ions 1 Positively charged 2 Negatively charged B What happens during resting potential C Sodium potassium pump V Action Potential A Electrical impulse B The axon C Threshold D Refractory period E Repolarization F Hyperpolarization G All or nothing principle H Self propagation of polarization Current Lecture Cells in the Nervous System I Supportive cells for every neuron there are 10 support cells A Glial cells 1 Astrocytes a Skeletal framework to support and hold the neurons in place the neurons need to be supported to prevent accidental contact b Deliver nutrients and remove waste products c Glucose is an important nutrient for cells when it is absorbed by the astrocyte and converted into lactate These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute d The lactate is the nutrients transferred to the neuron B Oligiodendrocyte 1 Produces myelin to cover axons to help speed up communication in the CNS 2 It s a glial cell 3 The myelin covers 3 different cells and is not continuous C Schwann cell satellite cells 1 Produces myelin in the Peripheral Nervous System II Types of Neurons A Bipolar cell body is in the middle of the axon and terminals B Interneuron has no exon body C Multipolar neuron the cell body is in the dendrites D Unipolar the cell body is on the outside of the axon body III Structure of the neuron A Soma cell body B Dendrites where the communication between the neurons occurs release the neuron transmitters C Axon inside the myelin sheath D Terminal buttons end of the axon and release neuron transmitters to the dendrites of other neurons E Myelin sheath speeds up the axon communication F The movement is an electrical impulse that changes polarity exocytosis which is neurotransmitter release IV Resting potential 70 millivolts A Ions 1 Positively charged sodium and potassium 2 Negatively charged chlori ions and protein ions anions B What happens during resting potential 1 Higher concentration of potassium on the inside 2 Higher concentration of sodium on the outside 3 Inside is slightly more negative 4 Sodium channels are closed during rest 5 Potassium channels are sometimes open 6 Potassium leaves the cells during rest very slowly due to the properties of diffusion as sodium come into the cell to create a balance 7 Electrostatic pressure same charged particles repel one another These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute C Sodium potassium pump 1 Active transport mechanism to maintain the sodium potassium distribution 2 Moves 3 sodium ions out for every 2 potassium ions are brought in 3 Uneven distribution slightly more sodium on the outside than potassium on the inside V Action Potential A Electrical impulse from the axon down B The axon is hit by an electrical charge that is positive that has to be more positive than the resting potential which is called the threshold 55 C At the threshold the voltage gated sodium channels are opened in the axon as the electrostatic pressure and sodium come inside to fill the cytoplasm depolarization becoming more positively charged D Cells peak in polarity as the sodium channels start to close refractory period E Repolarization back to resting stage F Hyperpolarization cell is more negatively charged than the resting potential G All or nothing principle the action potential is never half triggered H Self propagation of polarization doesn t need any These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Astrocyte These e notes represent a detaile ed interpretation of the pro ofessor s lecturre GradeBudd dy is best used d as a supplement to yyour own note es not as a su ubstitute These e notes represent a detaile ed interpretation of the pro ofessor s lecturre GradeBudd dy is best used d as a supplement to yyour own note es not as a su ubstitute These e notes represent a detaile ed interpretation of the pro ofessor s lecturre GradeBudd dy is best used d as a supplement to yyour own note es not as a su ubstitute These e notes represent a detaile ed interpretation of the pro ofessor s lecturre GradeBudd dy is best used d as a supplement to yyour own note es not as a su ubstitute These e notes represent a detaile ed interpretation of the pro ofessor s lecturre GradeBudd dy is best used d as a supplement to yyour own note es not as a su ubstitute

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Pitt PSY 0505 - the cells in the nervous system

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 9
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