ISU AECL 365 - Introduction_and_Fish

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1 This class of fishes is a deep water marine class with no scales or stomach has slime glands and is jawless 2 This class of Agnatha has a cartilage skeleton are anadromous breeds in freshwater but lives in salt and filter feeds as larvae 3 Osctracoderms which are now extinct appeared in this era 490 350 MYA 4 This adds stability during locomotion and is the source of tetrapod limbs 5 These are the two extinct classes of Gnathostomata 6 This class includes animals with cartilaginous skeleton heterocercal tail no swim bladder and sharks skates and rays 7 This class lived during the second half of the Paleozoic and includes characteristics such as toothed jaws heterocercal tails a vertebral column and multiple sets of paired fins 8 Half of the living vertebrates belong to this class 9 This is a pouch from the esophagus with air volume regulated for buoyancy It does not appear until Class Osteichthyes 10 This subclass includes ray finned fishes and the infraclasses Chondrostei and Neopterygii 11 This class is the oldest group of osteichthyes are lobe finned and a precursor to tetrapods 12 This order of Sarcopterygii were common during the Devonian and are termed a living fossil 13 Fish in this order are the closest living relatives of tetrapods and fall under the class Sarcopterygii 14 Ceratodontomorpha lung fish form a cocoon during dry periods and do this in mud Week 1 Review 1 List the four characteristics of chordates 2 Name the 3 subphyla of chordata 3 Name at least 3 key characteristics of vertebrates there are 4 4 Cartilaginous fishes are while bony fishes are 5 Name the 2 vertebrate superclasses 6 What is the relationship between systematics and taxonomy 7 Who founded taxonomy What kind of classification did he use 2 words 8 Who came up with evolution by natural selection What are the 4 things needed for it to occur 9 What kind of phylogenies are these 10 often occurs as a result of geographic separation of population Name the two types and briefly describe 11 T F classification and phylogenies are set in stone once they are created FISH 1 What makes Agnatha different from Gnathostomata 2 things 2 What two extant classes are found in the superclass Agnatha What is the extinct 3 What are some characteristics of chondricthyes and what types of animals are these 4 Name the 3 types of fish scales and describe them 5 are the ray finned fishes and are lobed finned 6 The is the age of fishes Devonian

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ISU AECL 365 - Introduction_and_Fish

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