Hash MAC and Digital Signature Dawn Song dawnsong cs berkeley edu 1 Review Asymmetric key encryption RSA encryption ElGamal encryption 2 Hash Function Properties Hash function a function h with properties Compression h maps an input x of arbitrary length to an output h x of a fixed length Ease of computation given h and x it s easy to compute h x Additional important properties Preimage resistance 2nd preimage resistance Collision resistance 3 Three Properties Preimage resistance For any y in the range of h for which a corresponding input is not known it is computationally infeasible to find any input x such that h x y 2nd preimage resistance It is computationally infeasible to find any second input which has the same output as any specified input i e given x to find x x s t h x h x Collision resistance It is computationally infeasible to find any two distinct inputs x and x which has to the same output i e h x h x 4 Examples RSA based one way function f x xe mod N where factorization of N is unknown Under RSA assumption f x is preimage resistant What about 2nd preimage resistance DES based one way fucntion f x E k x x for any fixed known key k Under the assumption that E is a random permutation f x is preimage resistant 5 Relationships btw Properties I Does collision resistance imply 2nd preimage resistance yes Does preimage resistance imply 2nd preimage resistance No Does 2nd preimage resistance imply preimage resistance No 6 Relationships btw Properties II Does collision resistance imply preimage resistance E g let g be a hash function which is collision resistant and maps arbitrary length inputs to n bit outputs Consider function h h x 1 x if x has bitlength n 0 g x o w Is h collision resistant Is h preimage resistant Different applications need different properties 7 Cryptographic Hash Functions MD5 Output 128 bit Designed by Ron Rivest 1991 Xiaoyun Wang et al found collision in one hour using IBM p690 cluster 2004 Klima find collision with one minute on a notebook computer using tunneling 2006 SHA 1 Output 160 bit Designed by NSA adopted by NIST 1993 Xiaoyun Wang et al found attack on SHA 1 2005 Requiring fewer than 269 operations to find a collision whereas brute force would require 280 operations More improvements on attacks NIST is looking for new hash functions Similar competition as in AES Submissions due Oct 31 2008 8 Administrative Matters Group sign up During the break Each group has a representative to fill in the sheet Need login info Class accounts You can pick it up from TAs if you haven t Communication cs161 spring08 mailing list is only for announcements Do not send your questions there Post your general class related questions to newsgroup 9 5 min Break 10 Message Authentication Code MAC Encryption secrecy confidentiality What if Mallory tries to change the message Can encryption alone help Message authentication code MAC Provides assurance of source integrity of msg data origin authentication f k M fk M k is secret key Unforgeability For any fixed value of k unknown to adversary given a set of values xi fk xi it is computationally infeasible to compute fk x for any new input x Sample construction HMAC HMAC x h k p h k q x Proof of security assuming underlying compression function is PRF 11 Digital Signatures MACs Only parties who have the shared key can verify data integrity origin Symmetric key model Digital signatures Asymmetric key model Sender has public private key Anybody with public key can verify data integrity origin non repudiation 12 Security Properties of Signature Schemes 1 Types of attacks Selective forgery Adversary is able to forge a signature for a particular message chosen a priori Existential forgery Adversary is able to forge a signature for at least one message 2 Resources of adversary Known message attack adversary has signatures for messages which are known to adversary but not chosen by him Adaptive chosen message attack adversary can choose which messages to get signatures on using the signer as an oracle 13 Conclusion Hash functions Properties Relationship between properties Message authentication codes What security properties is it designed to provide Digital signatures What security properties is it designed to provide 14
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