Media Uses Effects 1 21 14 Amanda Bartlett Media affects all of us 1 Psycho shower scene opened the door for other movies to use similar ideas makes the audience paranoid Sex appeal for men 2 Wrecking Ball by Miley Cyrus what is she doing It s attention grabbing Cyrus has a controversial image and wants to promote that 3 Metro Last Light video game trailer Appeal to gamers exciting eager to play Nongamers possibly bothered by violence Built like a movie trailer shows best parts to entice you and leave the rest to your interpretation Idea of post apocalyptic world might be a little intense for some How does media change how we view the world and perceive things Not only is media all around us 1 We are also exposed to constant reports on the effects of mass media 2 Audience of reality TV shows goes tanning more often a Survey of 576 college students finds that 43 of reality TV viewers tanned outside for more than 3 hours compared to 29 of nonviewers TV can change perception of how the average person looks 3 16 and Pregnant 53 of teens aged 10 19 who watched an episode of the show said they learned that teen parenthood is harder than they imagined Through the semester a When and why did people start caring about media and its effects b How have our ideas about media changed c What do we know about news entertainment advertising social media gaming political comm health comm etc Course goals a Understand social scientific research methods b Understand persuasion public opinion media effects c Develop ability to make better use of media as thoughtful consumers Check for weekly outline of lecture notes posted on ICON Final is NOT cumulative Prof Kajsa Dalrymple W339 AJB Section 5 Thursday 2 pm E205 AJB Visiting hours Homework Read Chapter 1 for Thursday 01 21 2014 01 21 2014
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