UMD CMSC 351 - Lecture Notes

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Lecture Notes CMSC 251 HC to HP Reduction bool HamCycle graph G for each edge u v in G copy G to a new graph G delete edge u v from G add new vertices x and y to G add new edges x u and y v to G if HamPath G return true return false failed for every edge This is a rather inefficient reduction but it does work In particular it makes O e calls to the HamPath procedure Can you see how to do it with fewer calls Hint Consider applying this to the edges coming out of just one vertex Can you see how to do it with only one call Hint This is trickier As before notice that we didn t really attempt to solve either problem We just tried to figure out how to make a procedure for one problem Hamiltonian path work to solve another problem Hamiltonian cycle Since HC is NP complete this means that there is not likely to be an efficient solution to HP either Lecture 29 Final Review Tuesday May 12 1998 Final exam As mentioned before the exam will be comprehensive but it will stress material since the second midterm exam I would estimate that about 50 70 of the exam will cover material since the last midterm and the remainder will be comprehensive The exam will be closed book closed notes with three sheets of notes front and back Overview This semester we have discussed general approaches to algorithm design The goal of this course is to improve your skills in designing good programs especially on complex problems where it is not obvious how to design a good solution Finding good computational solutions to problems involves many skills Here we have focused on the higher level aspects of the problem what approaches to use in designing good algorithms how generate a rough sketch the efficiency of your algorithm through asymptotic analysis how to focus on the essential mathematical aspects of the problem and strip away the complicating elements such as data representations I O etc Of course to be a complete programmer you need to be able to orchestrate all of these elements The main thrust of this course has only been on the initial stages of this design process However these are important stages because a poor initial design is much harder to fix later Still don t stop with your first solution to any problem As we saw with sorting there may be many ways of solving a problem Even algorithms that are asymptotically equivalent such as MergeSort HeapSort and QuickSort have advantages over one another The intent of the course has been to investigate basic techniques for algorithm analysis various algorithm design paradigms divide and conquer graph traversals dynamic programming etc Finally we have discussed a class of very hard problems to solve called NP complete problems and how to show that problems are in this class Here is an overview of the topics that we covered this semester Tools of Algorithm Analysis 91 Lecture Notes CMSC 251 Asymptotics O General facts about growth rates of functions Summations Analysis of looping programs common summations solving complex summations integral approximation constructive induction Recurrences Analysis of recursive programs strong induction expansion Master Theorem Sorting Mergesort Stable n log n sorting algorithm Heapsort Nonstable n log n in place algorithm A heap is an important data structure for implementation of priority queues a queue in which the highest priority item is dequeued first Quicksort Nonstable n log n expected case almost in place sorting algorithm This is regarded as the fastest of these sorting algorithms primarily because of its pattern of locality of reference Sorting lower bounds Any sorting algorithm that is based on comparisons requires n log n steps in the worst case The argument is based on a decision tree Considering the number of possible outcomes and observe that they form the leaves of the decision tree The height of the decision tree is lg N where N is the number of leaves In this case N n the number of different permutations of n keys Linear time sorting If you are sorting small integers in the range from 1 to k then you can applying counting sort in n k time If k is too large then you can try breaking the numbers up into smaller digits and apply radix sort instead Radix sort just applies counting sort to each digit individually If there are d digits then its running time is d n k where k is the number of different values in each digit Graphs We presented basic definitions of graphs and digraphs A graph digraph consists of a set of vertices and a set of undirected directed edges Recall that the number of edges in a graph can generally be as large as O n2 but is often smaller closer to O n A graph is sparse if the number of edges is o n2 and dense otherwise We discussed two representations Adjacency matrix A u v 1 if u v E These are simple but require n2 storage Good for dense graphs Adjacency list Adj u is a pointer to a linked list containing the neighbors of u These are better for sparse graphs since they only require n e storage Breadth first search We discussed one graph algorithm breadth first search This is a way of traversing the vertices of a graph in increasing order of distance from a source vertex Recall that it colors vertices white gray black to indicate their status in the search and it also uses a FIFO queue to determine which order it will visit the vertices When we process the next vertex we simply visit that is enqueue all of its unvisited neighbors This runs in n e time If the queue is replaced by a stack then we get a different type of search algorithm called depthfirst search We showed that breadth first search could be used to compute shortest paths from a single source vertex in an unweighted graph or digraph Dynamic Programming Dynamic programming is an important design technique used in many optimization problems Its basic elements are those of subdividing large complex problems into smaller subproblems solving subproblems in a bottom up manner going from smaller to larger An important idea in dynamic programming is that of the principal of optimality For the global problem to be solved optimally the subproblems should be solved optimally This is not always the case e g when there is dependence between the subproblems it might be better to do worse and one to get a big savings on the other Floyd Warshall Algorithm Section 26 2 Shortest paths in a weighted digraph between all pairs of vertices This algorithm allows negative cost edges provided that there are no negative cost cycles We gave two algorithms

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UMD CMSC 351 - Lecture Notes

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