IUB TEL-T 343 - Introduction to Media Sales

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T343 1st Edition Lecture 1 Outline of Current Lecture I Introduction II Benefits to a career in Sales III Station Sales Structure Current Lecture I Introduction a What I am always looking for are the salespeople who don t stop the salespeople who when they ve had a bad day get out of the lows quickly and when they have a good day go out and make 10 more calls I think we are looking for salespeople who are motivated by the art of the deal motivated by winning and who want to be with a good company They need to love selling and to them it s not a job it s a way of life II Benefits to a career in Sales a Commision based job earn what you deserve b Hard work pays of c Many perks Dining events etc d Work closely with people e Develop relationships f Big money Eventually II Station Sales Structure 6 Components a General Manager Responsible for making sure station cluster revenue goals are met b National Sales Manager Reports to General Manager c Local Sales Manager Reports to National Sales Manager Responsible for inventory rates client list leadership and knowledge Also will set goals d Account Executive Responsible for certain client account Reports to local sales manager e Co op Sales Specialty kind of sales may require special knowledge base i Example If Marsh creates an ad for them selves and on that advertisement they feature Campbell soup Campbell soup may pay for the cost of that advertisement ii Beneficial to 2 companies f Telemarketing Sales These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute

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IUB TEL-T 343 - Introduction to Media Sales

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