UT Arlington EE 4330 - EE 4330 syllabus

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Fundamentals of Telecommunication Systems EE 4330 Section 001 EE 5361 Section 051 060 072 Spring 2005 T TH 3 30 4 50 PM Room 105 NH Instructor K R Rao Office Room 530 NH Office Hours Monday 11a m 12 noon Wednesday 2 p m 3 p m Phone 817 272 3478 Mailbox Electrical Engineering Box 19016 UTA Arlington TX 76019 Email rao uta edu Course WWW site http www ee uta edu dip Required Textbook s B P Lathi Modern digital and analog telecommunication systems Oxford University Press 1998 Course Description The course covers the fundamentals principles concepts and techniques of digital and analog communication systems such as various modulation techniques digital data transmission and communication technologies Course Learning Goals Objectives To obtain familiarity and gain knowledge about various analog and digital communication techniques including different modulation schemes time domain and frequency domain multiplexing noise analysis and information theory Attendance and Drop Policy Follow University guidelines Tentative Lecture Top Schedule Course Content AMPLITUDE LINEAR MODULATION Baseband and Carrier Communication Amplitude Modulation Double Sideband DSB Amplitude Modulation AM Quadrature Amplitude Modulation QAM Amplitude Modulation Single Sideband SSB Amplitude Modulation Vestigial Sideband VSB Carrier Acquisition Superheterodyne AM Receiver Television ANGLE EXPONENTIAL MODULATION Concept of Instantaneous Frequency Bandwidth of Angle Modulated Waves Generation of FM Waves Demodulation of FM Interference in Angle Modulation Systems FM Receiver SAMPLING AND PULSE CODE MODULATION Sampling Theorem Pulse Code Modulation PCM Differential Pulse Code Modulation DPCM Delta Modulation PRINCIPLES OF DIGITAL DATA TRANSMISSION A Digital Communication System Line Coding Pulse Shaping Scrambling Regenerative Repeater Detection error probability M ary Communication Digital Carrier Systems Digital Multiplexing EMERGING DIGITAL COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGIES The North American Hierarchy Digital Services Broadband Digital Communication SONET M ary Communication Synchronization Digital Switching Technologies Broadband Services for Entertainment and Home Office Applications Video Compression High Definition Television HDTV SOME RECENT DEVELOPMENTS AND MISCELLANEOUS TOPICS Cellular Telephone Mobil Radio System Spread Spectrum Systems Transmission Media Hybrid Circuit 2 Wire to 4 Wire Conversions Public Switched Telephone Network BEHAVIOR OF ANALOG SYSTEMS IN THE PRESENCE OF NOISE Baseband Systems Amplitude Modulation Systems Angle Modulation Systems Pulse Modulation Systems Optimum Preemphasis Deemphasis System BEHAVIOR OF DIGITAL COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS IN THE PRESENCE OF NOISE Optimum Threshold Detection General Analysis Optimum Binary Receiver Carrier Systems ASK FSK PSK and DPSK Performance of Spread Spectrum Systems First day of classes Tuesday 18 Jan 2005 Last date to drop or withdraw Friday 15 April 2005 Last day of classes May 6 2005 Specific Course Requirements w Descriptions Two Pop Quizzes Test 1 Thursday 17 February 2005 3 30 4 50PM Test 2 Tuesday 5 April 2005 3 30 4 50 PM Final Thursday 12 May 2005 2 00 4 30 PM Grading PLAN A Max of two Pop Quizes 5 Test 1 30 Test 2 30 Final 40 A 90 100 B 80 89 C 70 79 D 60 69 PLAN B for those who miss a test not recommended Max of two Pop Quizzes 5 Max of Test 1 and Test 2 50 Final 45 Course grades are based on max of Plan A and Plan B i e whichever is higher Everyone must take the final at the same time and same place No exceptions 1 No makeup 2 No incomplete Final exam papers will not be returned The student however has the right to look at his her exam paper and discuss it with the instructor Final exam papers will be kept until the midsemester of the following semester Summer counts as one semester No telephone calls or inquiries regarding course grades please Everyone must take the tests and final exam at the same time and at the same place If you have any questions on your returned tests please do so within a week Please bring your work key and the test Videotape students contact Engineering center for distance education Room 242 Nedderman Hall Donya Ph 1 817 272 2352 Fax 1 817 272 5630 email drandolph uta edu GRADERS TBA Course Website http www ee uta edu dip link courses EE4330 syllabus files Student Evaluation of Teaching Evaluation forms will be given to the students at the end of the semester Americans with Disabilities Act The University of Texas at Arlington is on record as being committed to both the spirit and letter of federal equal opportunity legislation reference Public Law 93112 The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as amended With the passage of new federal legislation entitled Americans with Disabilities Act ADA pursuant to section 504 of The Rehabilitation Act there is renewed focus on providing this population with the same opportunities enjoyed by all citizens As a faculty member I am required by law to provide reasonable accommodation to students with disabilities so as not to discriminate on the basis of that disability Student responsibility primarily rests with informing faculty at the beginning of the semester and in providing authorized documentation through designated administrative channels If you require an accommodation based on disability I would like to meet with you in the privacy of my office during the first week of the semester to make sure you are properly accommodated Academic Dishonesty It is the philosophy of The University of Texas at Arlington that academic dishonesty is a completely unacceptable mode of conduct and will not be tolerated in any form All persons involved in academic dishonesty will be disciplined in accordance with University regulations and procedures Discipline may include suspension or expulsion from the University Scholastic dishonesty includes but is not limited to cheating plagiarism collusion the submission for credit of any work or materials that are attributable in whole or in part to another person taking an examination for another person any act designed to give unfair advantage to a student or the attempt to commit such acts Regents Rules and Regulations Part One Chapter VI Section 3 Subsection 3 2 Subdivision 3 22 ANY CHEATING WILL RESULT IN SEVERE PENALTIES

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UT Arlington EE 4330 - EE 4330 syllabus

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