UNT HIST 2620 - Reconstruction
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HIST 2620 Section 008 Lecture 1 Outline of Current Lecture II Wartime 1861 1865 III Presidential 1865 1867 Current Lecture I Wartime 1861 1865 a Reconstruction not a physical process a political legal process to put Union back in one piece by restoring former Confederate states to their normal prewar status i Not the return of the states to the Union b Reconstruction answered three questions i What happens to the former slaves ii What happens to the former confederates iii What happens to the former confederate state c Lincoln s 10 Plan i Most confederates will be pardoned for their activities during the war if they take the oath of allegiance ii When 10 or more of voters in a state take that oath they will be allowed to create a new state government 1 They then had to abolish slavery in their state via the new state government iii Lincoln purposefully made the plan lenient to make it appealing for the confederates to come back iv All it says for slaves is that they re free v It says that reconstruction is completely and exclusively a presidential matter because he is the Commander in Chief vi Freedmen former slaves vii Republicans didn t like it because they thought it was too lenient 1 America just went through the bloodiest war of her history not to mention fiscal setbacks so why do the confederates get to come back so easily 2 They want to make sure that the war actually made a difference d Congressional Reconstruction Plan i More rigid demanded more reform These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute ii Lincoln vetoed the plan via a pocket veto 1 A pocket veto is an indirect veto exercised by the president by simply not signing the legislation until it is too late to be dealt with during the legislative session iii Did so because he was up for reelection so he couldn t go against his own party s plan aggressively iv His reasoning people are already carrying out the guidelines of my plan If their plan goes into effect then my plan will have been a waste of time and effort v Some of the Republicans in Congress were angered 1 Specifically Wade OH Davis MD both radical republican representatives for their state e Wade Davis Manifesto i Manifesto statement of your beliefs 1 Said his plan was too lenient too easy needed more 2 Said it was not up to the president solely ii In December 1864 Congress refused to recognize Lincoln s plan as valid iii In April 1865 the war ended but both Lincoln s plan and the congressional plan were out II Presidential Reconstruction 1865 1867 a Lincoln assassination 1865 i Ford s theater in 1865 five days after the war ii John Wilkes Booth walked into Lincoln s booth and shot him in the head b Pres Johnson s plan 1865 i Only southern sentor who remained loyal to the Union ii Announces his plan in late May iii Very similar to Lincoln s plan iv Easy pardon for almost anyone created new state government 1 Abolish slavery 2 Repudiate secession 3 Repudiate confederate debt 4 Ratify 13th Amendment v Black codes set up in each southern state undergoing Johnson s plan 1 Purpose control and regulate the freedmen because they assumed freed slaves would stop participatin in society etc 2 Curfews 3 Restrictions on gun ownership 4 Restriction on where they could live 5 Vagrancy laws if you were unemployed you could be arrested as a vagrant and put in jail then your labor will be auctioned off for 30 60 or even 90 days a Way of controlling the freedmen vi Johnson s plan isn t working 1 they said it is because he shouldn t be in charge 2 still too lenient a Same reasons as to why Lincoln s plan didn t work

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