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objective caml Daniel Jackson MIT Lab for Computer Science 6898 Advanced Topics in Software Design March 18 2002 topics for today familiar notions from Scheme let bindings functions closures lists new notions from ML inferred types and parametric polymorphism side effects and the unit type datatypes variants 2 functions applying an anonymous function fun x 2 x 3 int 6 declaring a function and applying it let dbl fun x 2 x val dbl int int fun dbl 3 int 6 functionals or higher order functions let twice fun f fun x f f x val twice a a a a fun twice dbl 3 int 12 3 let bindings a let expression binds a variable to a value let x 3 and y 4 in x y int 7 read eval print loop uses let instead of define let x 5 val x int 5 x int 5 recursive let let rec fact i if i 0 then 1 else i fact i 1 val fact int int fun fact 4 int 24 4 let vs define let k 5 val k int 5 let f fun x x k val f int int fun f 3 int 8 let k 6 val k int 6 f 3 int 8 let is lexical no side effecting top level define built in 5 tuples tuple constructor let x 1 2 val x int int 1 2 fst x int 1 snd x int 2 empty tuple used instead of void unit print string string unit fun 6 function arguments tupled form like in an imperative language let diff i j if i j then j i else i j val diff int int int fun diff 3 4 int 1 diff 3 4 This function is applied to too many arguments curried form stages the computation let diff i j if i j then j i else i j val diff int int int fun diff 3 4 int 1 diff 3 4 int 1 7 lists 1 2 int list 1 2 1 2 int list 1 2 lists are homogeneous 1 int list list 1 1 2 This expression has type a list but is here used with type int empty list is polymorphic a list 8 polymorphic functions the simplest polymorphic function fun x x a a fun a polymorphic function over lists let cons e l e l val cons a a list a list fun cons 1 2 This expression has type int but is here used with type a list cons 1 int list 1 9 datatypes a simple datatype type color Red Green Blue type color Red Green Blue Red color Red Red Green color list Red Green constructors can take arguments type numtree Empty Tree of numtree int numtree type numtree Empty Tree of numtree int numtree Empty numtree Empty Tree Empty 3 Empty numtree Tree Empty 3 Empty 10 patterns 11 a function on number trees type numtree Empty Tree of numtree int numtree let rec treesum t match t with Empty 0 Tree t1 i t2 i treesum t1 treesum t2 val treesum numtree int fun let tt Tree Tree Empty 1 Empty 3 Tree Empty 2 Empty treesum tt int 6 a function on lists let rec sum l match l with 0 e rest e sum rest val sum int list int fun sum 1 2 3 4 int 10 puzzle poly functional over lists write the function map val map a b a list b list solution let rec map f l match l with x xs f x map f xs val map a b a list b list fun map dbl 1 2 int list 2 4 12 puzzle user defined poly datatypes a polymorphic tree type a tree Empty Tree of a tree a a tree type a tree Empty Tree of a tree a a tree what is the type of treefold let rec treefold f b t match t with Empty b Tree left v right f treefold f b left v treefold f b right val treefold a b a a a b tree a fun 13 side effects mutable cells let seed ref 0 val seed int ref contents 0 dereference seed int 0 assignment seed 1 unit seed int 1 14 puzzle write a function next which produces 0 1 2 etc takes no arguments 15 closures and cells let next let seed ref 0 in function seed seed 1 seed val next unit int fun next unit int fun next int 1 next int 2 16 lazy lists or streams define a datatype for streams type a stream Nil Cons of a unit a stream type a stream Nil Cons of a unit a stream let cons x s Cons x fun s val cons a a stream a stream fun let hd s match s with Cons x f x Warning this pattern matching is not exhaustive Here is an example of a value that is not matched Nil val hd a stream a fun let tl s match s with Cons x f f Warning this pattern matching is not exhaustive Here is an example of a value that is not matched Nil val tl a stream a stream fun 17 using streams let rec from k Cons k fun from k 1 val from int int stream fun from 3 int stream Cons 3 fun hd tl from 3 int 4 18 puzzle given type a tree Empty Tree of a a tree list type a tree Empty Tree of a a tree list write a function that performs a depth first traversal of a tree gives result as a stream you can assume an infix function for appending streams 19

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