SJSU ME 30 - Introduction

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Lecture 1 Course Introduction Overview of Computers and their Applications in MAE BJ Furman 30AUG2010 The Plan for Today Welcome to ME 30 Learning objectives Roll call Highlights from the syllabus aka greensheet Overview of computers and their applications in MAE Introduce structured programming algorithms pseudocode and flowcharts Form of a C program Data types and variables Learning Objectives By the end of the lecture you should be able to Explain the focus of the course Describe where and how computers are used by mechanical and aerospace engineers MAEs List some of the software commonly used by MAEs Describe what the major elements of a computer are and what they do conceptually Explain what is meant by structured programming Describe the structure of a C program List and describe the important data types Declare a variable Roll Call Back Syllabus Highlights and Where to Find Things Available at www engr sjsu edu bjfurman courses ME30 and sjsu desire2learn com My contact and office information My background Course information Course goals and learning objectives Textbook Policies and protocol Grading Resources Course schedule Back Focus of ME 30 Solving problems with computers Learn structured programming using the C language Learn the process for formulating a computational solution to a problem Practice the process Get prepared for learning about mechatronics Gain familiarity with other software used by MAEs for technical computing Matlab Excel Where and How are Computers Used in MAE Where and How are Computers Used in MAE 1 Technical and Personal Communication Email Word processing reports procedures etc Presentations Conferencing Computation and Analysis Arithmetic Equation solving Data analysis and visualization Multiphysics and numerical modeling sin r r Where and How are Computers Used in MAE 2 Design Solid modeling ME 165 Finite Element Analysis FEA ME 160 Dynamic modeling and simulation ME 147 ME 187 ME 190 Design tradeoffs and analytical modeling of mechanical components and systems ME 154 ME 157 Gathering Information Web searches Patent searches Databases Vendor and other websites Datasheets Where and How are Computers Used in MAE 3 Testing and Experimental Work Laboratory and Factory Automation and Control Dynamic systems ME 187 ME 190 Instrumentation and Product Design Data acquisition from sensors ME 120 http las perkinelmer com Content Images smallImages janusLabAuto jpg Embedded controllers ME 106 ME 190 MRP Inventory and Document Control Drawings Procedures Bill of Materials BOM Specifications Engineering change orders ECOs http www plm automation siemens com en us products teamcent er solutions by product mechatronics process management shtm l What Software is Most Often Used 1 Technical and Personal Communication Email MS Outlook Mozilla Thunderbird Word processing MS Word Open Office Presentations MS Power Point Open Office Computation and Analysis Spreadsheets MS Excel Open Office Calc Mathcad Maple Mathematica Matlab Octave Scilab TK Solver Maxima What Software is Most Often Used 2 Design Solid modeling Solidworks ProE Inventor Unigraphics Finite Element Analysis Cosmos ProMechanica Nastran Dynamic modeling and simulation Matlab Simulink Design tradeoffs and analytical modeling of mechanical components and systems Excel Mathcad Matlab TK Solver Gathering Information Web searches Google other search engines Patent searches Google Patent USPTO website Databases see the SJSU Articles Databases website http www sjlibrary org research databases index htm getType 3 Vendor and other websites Google other search engines Datasheets Google vendor websites What Software is Most Often Used 3 Testing and Experimental Work Lab View C Matlab Laboratory and Factory Automation and Control Lab View C Visual Basic Instrumentation and Mechatronic Product Design C Matlab Lab View see Real Men Program in C Product Data Management Siemens PLM Oracle Agile Dassault Enovia The Bottom Line Mechanical and aerospace engineers use computers widely You need to know how to use computers to help you be successful ME 30 will help you especially in the area of computation and analysis Focus will be on the C language Exposure to Matlab I hope it will also whet your appetite to learn about mechatronics Next Networking Introduce yourself to someone you DO NOT know Find out one thing about them that they like to do in their spare time Two minutes Back What do computers actually do Perform arithmetic operations Addition subtraction multiplication division Compare two values And decide among alternative courses of action If a b then do action c Move data around internally memory and peripherals Input data keyboard mouse sensors etc Output data display I O ports etc And do all of this really fast What s Inside and How Does it Work Personal Computer PC Anatomy Case or housing Power supply Motherboard CPU Memory Video and audio chipsets Networking I O ports Hard disk Embedded computers likely not to have Solid state sometimes now Peripherals CD or DVD drive Computer Block Diagram Disk controller CPU Memory USB Serial Keyboard Mouse etc Ports Video chipset Display Audio chipset Speakers Networking chipset Bus Hard drive CD DVD Internet Memory Stores program instructions and data Each location has an address Each location stores the information as bits Binary its Zero or one Memory 8 bit Address 0x10FE 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0x10FF 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0x1100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0xFFFF Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 8 bits is one byte Information is coded Memory is written or read CPU The brain of your computer Carries out the instructions of your program Essential components Arithmetic Logic Unit ALU Does arithmetic and logic functions Controls the actions inside the CPU Registers Add and subtract sometimes multiply and divide Bit wise logic AND OR NOT XOR Bit shift left or right ALU CU Control Unit CU CPU Temporary locations to store data instructions and addresses Clock Synchronizes operations in the CPU Clock Registers Instructions Data Memory Adapted from Fundamentals of Computer Organization and Architecture M Abd El Barr H El Rewini John Wiley and Sons 2005 Ports Connection to the external world USB Serial Keyboard Monitor Pins on a microcontroller http media digikey com photos Atmel 20Photos 453 64 TQFP jpg Voltage level determines whether a 0 or a 1 Ex 5 V logic 1 5 V 0 3 5 V 1 http www atmel com dyn resources prod documents doc2467 pdf Software The intermediary between you the user and the hardware Operating

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