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Physics 1B Lecture MTWF 10 00AM 10 50AM Knudsen 1220B Instructor Gordon Chalmers Knudsen 3 145N Phone 310 825 8527 Office Hours TB Douglas Giancoli Physics for Scientists and Engineers 3rd Edition Textbook Class Schedule Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 21 Chapters 21 22 Chapters 22 23 Chapters 23 24 Chapters 24 25 Chapters 25 26 Chapter 27 Oscillations Wave Motion Sound Electric Charge Field Electric Field cont Potential Gauss s Law Potential Capacitance Capacitance Dielectrics Resistance Currents Continued W8 DC Circuits Magnetic Fields Reference Materials Primary a Giancoli Also Halliday and Resnick Physics V 1 4th edition Fishbane Gasiorowicz and Thorton b Physics for Scientists and Engineers Roller and Blum V 1 Physics c Mechanics Waves and Thermodynamics Serway Physics for Scientsits and Engineers More Advanced Feynman Lectures Volumes 1 3 Purrell Electricity and Magnetism Berkeley Physics Course V 2 TA Center Knudsen A 212 And Grading Homework Every Week Due Wednesdays Two Mid terms 4th and 98h Week Final Exam Exams will be closed book 15 35 50

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UCLA PHYSICS 1B - Syllabus

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