UT Arlington MANA 2302 - Midterm Review

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Some Topics to Know for Midterm 1 Note This serves only as a general guideline for you to refer when studying for the exam Much of the exam will cover the topics identified below and related issues implications in class handouts videos and articles etc The exam will emphasize information discussed in class The exam consists of multiple choice true false questions Expect about 75 questions PLEASE BRING A PENCIL TO THE EXAM and a SCANTRON FORM the one with 50 questions on each side 1 Time Management a Know the dimensions and how to define each of the time management matrix and identify an example or two in each category as listed on the slides b Consider the key points raised in the video such as double handling and the time management strategies identified in the time management survey you completed in class 2 Historical Perspective of Management Thought Scientific Management Bureaucratic Management Western Electric Study Results and implications for management thought 3 Employee motivation pay for performance Theory X and Theory Y assumptions about employees Identify expected practices exhibited by each see your Philosophy of Management survey Job Characteristics Model assembly line video application Herzberg s Motivator Hygiene Theory identify motivators and hygiene factors Maslow s hierarchy of needs Effective goal setting techniques Sears Auto Repair Bausch Lomb applications Expectancy Theory components consider salary associated merit pay issues Pay for performance strategies What do I mean by line of sight in relation to pay for performance strategies and why is it important Such as gainsharing profit sharing individual incentives Consider the Whirlpool article and gainsharing results did it work PepsiCo article What did they do and why Did it seem to work Pro s and Con s Equity theory Ratio s and psychological states outcomes Levels of equity sensitivity responses to perceived salary and piece rate inequity What is the balanced scorecard See slides article and consider related class discussion For example what factors are included and why What s the point for managers The HR Side of Sears Comeback article What was included in their pay for performance plan Why Is this consistent with a balanced scorecard approach What is the employee customer profit model 4 Performance Evaluation 360 degree evaluations who is involved and why Identify ways to make the appraisal process fair Know and apply the relevant judgment issues and concerns contrast effect spillover effect confirmation bias recency effects 5 Groupthink Cohesion Cohesion define it and how does it potentially relate to groupthink Groupthink Video issues Factors associated with Groupthink symptoms of groupthink suggestions for reducing groupthink 6 Conflict Handling styles Identify the styles and when to use them Apply to Thomas Green case 7 Ethical issues Key aspects of the article Why Should my conscience bother me What is the False Claims Act What happened to Jim Alderson 8 Anything else described discussed during class

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UT Arlington MANA 2302 - Midterm Review

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