BIOPSYCH 0505 1 Edition nd Lecture 2 Outline of Last Lecture I Terminology of locations of body and brain Neuroaxis II Different cuts of the brain III Peripheral nervous system A Somatic voluntary B Autonomic involuntary IV Central nervous system A Meninges Outline of Current Lecture I Ventricles the internal core of the spinal cord II Spinal cord III IV V A When the spinal nerve gets close to the spinal cord it splits into 1 Ventral root 2 Dorsal root General structures of the brain A Forebrain B Midbrain C Hindbrain Sagittal section of CNS A Medulla 1 Reticular formation B Pons C Cerebellum D Hypothalamus E Thalamus Cerebral cortexA Separated into 4 lobes each has a primary and association cortex 1 Frontal a OrbitoFrontal Corex 2 Parietal 3 Temporal These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute 4 Occipital Current Lecture I II Ventricles the internal core of the spinal cord A Purpose is to allow the distribution of nutrients to the central nervous system B Serves as a buffer to the subarachnoid C Supports tissue of central nervous system D The lateral ventricles are larger and contain cerebral spinal fluid Spinal cord III A When the spinal nerve gets close to the spinal cord it splits into 3 Ventral root towards the abdominal and has motor efferent neurons for movement to exit the spinal cord through the ventral root 4 Dorsal root deviates towards the back and carries sensory afferent neurons B The internal coloring H shape is due to cell bodies located in the spinal cord as they fluster to create a darker appearance C The outer part houses the axons of the neurons which is covered by the myelin sheet axons carry information D Interneurons are neurons that have very small axons or no axons at all They allow for communication within the spinal cord and CNS between adjacent neurons General structures of the brain A Forebrain 1 Telencephalon covers the diencephalon which is the outer cerebral cortex 2 Diencephalon inside the two hemispheres of the brain B Midbrain 1 Mesencephalon also known as midbrain is part of the brainstem 2 Tectum a Superior colliculi part of visual system maybe create reflexive movements in respond to visual objects b Inferior colliculi part of auditory system 3 Tegmentum a Rostral end of reticular formation b Periaqueductal gray area pain system and releases endorphins which are our body s natural pain killers c Substantia nigra motor system and releases the dopamine in the brain and controls the pulse of the firing of the adjacent area of the brain is part of the constriction of muscles involved in addiction d Ventral tegmental area reward system regulation of addictive behavior IV V C Hindbrain 1 Myelencephalon medulla 2 Metencephalon cerebellum and the pons Sagittal section of CNS A Medulla part of the myelin and was one of the first parts of the brain to develop in mammals network of neurons called the nucleus group of similar neurons in the CNS 2 Reticular formation stretches throughout hindbrain into midbrain a Arousal and stimulates sympathetic nervous system b Sleep regulation of slow wave and rem sleep c Parts are involved in movement such as motor movement muscle tone and reduces muscle tone during sleep d Can control some autonomic movements such as regulating cardiac functions and respiratory reflexes breathing and swallowing B Pons within reticular formation is known for arousal and sleep C Cerebellum little brain processes visual information and auditory information 1 Produces somato sensory sensations from the body 2 Helps to integrate and control movement as it puts all the periphery information together to move the skeletal muscles such as walking grasping objects and balance 3 Damage to it might result in movements not well coordinated 4 Evidence is shown that it can help with moving our mouth to produce language and in cognitive functions A Hypothalamus 1 Fight or flight and stimulates high arousal such as stress releasing adrenaline 2 Releases hormones that stimulate the feeling of hunger 3 Reproduction and sexual behaviors 4 Regulates body temperature B Thalamus major relay stations in the brain sends sensory and motor signals to the cerebral cortex Cerebral cortex one of the last structures to develop problem solving A Separated into 4 lobes each has a primary and association cortex 1 Frontal lobe primary motor cortex that is involved with movement and decision making planning working memory executive functioning b OrbitoFrontal Corex most front section of frontal lobe controls impulsivity personality social norms and reward info 2 Parietal lobe primary somatosensory cortex position of body sensations in the face first step in processing somato information mathematical calculations space and body awareness reading 3 Temporal lobe primary auditory cortex as well as word processing and face recognition 4 Occipital lobe primary visual cortex
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