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GEOL 1001 QUIZ 5 1 Which type of magma is hotter a felsic b intermediate c mafic 2 Which type of lava flows longer distances a felsic b intermediate c mafic 3 Which type of lava is considered the most explosive and dangerous lava a felsic b intermediate c mafic 4 The dip of the subducting plate if the volcano chain forms farther from the trench a increeases b decreases c remain constant 5 Vesicular basalt rough texture rock in Hawaii is formed by which type of lava a Aa b Pahoehoe 6 Under water volcanic eruptions can cause emission of steam to the atmosphere These volcanoes are called volcanoes a shield b composite c cinder d phreatic 7 The lithification of ash and very small pyroclastic debris forms a rock called a metabasalt b migmatite c tuff d andesite 8 Of the three forms of subaerial volcanoes are the largest in aerial extent a stratovolcanoes b cinder cones c shield volcanoes 9 Fissure volcanoes typically form in plate boundaries a convergent b divergent c transform 10 Although icenalnd is a hotspot volcano with mafic lavas coming to the surface Iceland is still a very dangerous place to live because of its volcanic activity Specifically some of its volcanoes are a stratovolcanoes b cinder cones c shield volcanoes d phreatic volcanoes

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