PSY 0505 1st Edition Lecture 1 Outline of Last Lecture I Went over syllabus Outline of Current Lecture I Terminology of locations of body and brain Neuroaxis II Different cuts of the brain III Peripheral nervous system A Somatic voluntary B Autonomic involuntary IV Central nervous system A Meninges Current Lecture I Terminology of locations of the body and brain Neuraxis goes through the entire body and can also apply to the brain it bends when it gets to the brain A Rostral is synonymous to anterior towards the nose B Caudal is synonymous with posterior towards the tail C Dorsal is on the back side D Ventral is by the stomach and chest E Medial means towards the middle F Lateral means towards the outside G Ipsilateral sensory input stays on the same side as the neuraxis H Contralateralcrossing the neuraxis II Different cuts of the brain A Sagittal plane is a cutting of the brain splitting the left and right hemispheres of the brain it is mid sagittal when the split is exactly 180 degrees B Frontal plane separates the anterior and posterior C Horizontal plane separates dorsal from ventral D Cross section is for neurons nerves and spinal cord circular pieces III Peripheral nervous system outside of the bones and breaks down into the A Somatic voluntary body movements These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute 1 Cranial Nerves exit and enter the brain under the ventral surface a Afferent sensory input taste texture b Efferent motor output exit 2 Vagus nerve only nerve that leaves the peripheral system and carries motor info to internal organs yet functions are autonomic 3 Spinal Nerves carry into in and out of the central nervous system Cervical Thoracic Lumbar Sacral Coccygeal B Autonomic involuntary movement nervous system breaks into 1 Afferent 2 Efferent a Sympathetic left side triggered during fight or flight response arousal signals go top down b Parasympathetic right side normal calming signals go bottom up IV Central nervous system inside of the bones A Meninges 1 Dura mater tough outer membrane 2 Arachnoid membrane web like 3 Pia mater adheres to brain and spinal cord 4 Cerebrospinal fluid in the arachnoid space cerebral ventricles and central canal Meninge Meningie
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