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Exra Credit Homework replacing quiz 9 Written answers are not required but writing them will be helpful in your preparation for the final exam 1 Describe two sensory pathways to the amygdala 2 What is the stria terminalis 3 Contrast a pathway to motor cortex and a pathway to the superior colliculus from the dorsal striatum caudate and putamen 4 Contrast the major source of sensory inputs to the striatum in amphibians and mammals according to Striedter 5 What is the double inhibition of pathways through the striatum What neurotransmitter is involved 6 How does human ability to cook food promote larger brain size See Allman s chapter 7 e g his discussion of energy requirements of various organs p 166f 7 Describe three specific examples of findings of neurogenesis in mature mammals or birds 8 At least two routes from the retina to the neocortex have been followed throughout mammalian history Why is it believed that both are so ancient What is the difference between the two routes 9 Give a neuroanatomical definition of neocortical association areas 10 How is it possible that multimodal association areas of the neocortex heteromodal areas are the most recently evolved cortical areas and yet they also are of the most ancient origins 11 Describe three major characteristics of neocortex 12 Where in the human thalamus could damage or disruptive electrical stimulation cause problems with the planning of actions Where could such damage or stimulation cause problems with understanding of speech MIT OpenCourseWare http ocw mit edu 9 14 Brain Structure and Its Origins Spring 2009 For information about citing these materials or our Terms of Use visit http ocw mit edu terms

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