UW ATMS 101 - Homework Assignment

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Name Section TA Atmospheric Sciences 101 Autumn 2004 Homework 7 Due at the beginning of lecture Thursday 9 December 2004 NOTE No late homework will be accepted after the final exam Monday 13 December 1 Air mass thunderstorms versus severe thunderstorms a Explain why air mass single cell thunderstorms are short lived in comparison with squall lines and supercells 2 b What meteorological factors cause the highest annual frequency of thunderstorms in the U S to be in Florida but the highest annual frequency of damaging tornados to be over Oklahoma and Kansas Hint what conditions could cause thunderstorms that are more likely to produce tornadoes 2 c What characteristic of a supercell thunderstorm leads to a higher chance of tornadoes than in air mass thunderstorms 1 2 Assorted hurricane facts a Why do hurricanes not form within 5 degrees latitude of the equator 1 b Give three ways tropical cyclones are fundamentally different than midlatitude cyclones 1 5 c In intense hurricanes what causes the most damage and cost to human life 5 d What are the two main reasons hurricanes rapidly weaken when moving over land 2 3 Atmospheric optics a Which optical process choose from scattering refraction dispersion is responsible for blue sky Which two processes are responsible for rainbows 2 b Explain why a mirage is more likely at midday over the Sahara desert than over a tropical rain forest 1 c What sky cloud conditions are conducive to the appearance of a halo around the moon Why might such a halo portend a cold steady rainstorm 2 4 Air pollution a Name two meteorological reasons severe ozone events are more common in Los Angeles than in Seattle 2 b Name at least one pollutant responsible for acid rain Why is acid rain more of a problem in the Northeastern U S than the Pacific Northwest 2 c The Bush administration has declined to classify carbon dioxide as an air pollutant Can you give one scientific and nonpolitical reason for and one reason against their stance 1

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UW ATMS 101 - Homework Assignment

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