UNC-Chapel Hill COMP 116 - COMP 116 SYLLABUS

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COMP 116 Introduction to Scientific Programming Old COMP16 Section 601 Sudipta N Sinha Instructors ssinha cs unc edu M W 12 30 1 45 Sitterson 011 Lectures F 12 00 12 50 Sitterson 011 Recitation Office Hours Sitterson 349 Ph 962 1885 M W 2 4pm or by appointment Section 603 Eli Broadhurst reb cs unc edu M W 12 30 1 45 Sitterson 014 F 1 00 1 50 Sitterson 011 Sitterson 332 Ph 962 1738 M W 2 4pm or by appointment Recitation Bring Your Own Laptop Catalog description COMP16 Introduction to Scientific Programming 3 Prerequisite MATH 31 An introduction to programming for computationally oriented scientists Fundamental programming skills using MATLAB and another imperative programming language such as C Problem analysis and algorithm design with examples drawn from simple numerical and discrete problems Students can only receive credit for one of COMP 14 15 or 16 Fall Snoeyink Prins Invitation COMP 16 was created to address needs expressed by Mathematics Mathematical Sciences Environmental Engineering and the Carolina Environmental Program for a one semester introduction to programming for scientists The course introduces many basics of programming variables data types flow of control modular design that are common to many languages Assignments will cover problems from scientific computing Most of the semester will be taught using MATLAB with a couple of weeks at the end showing how the concepts migrate to the language C MATLAB makes several things easier such as working with matrices plotting and sophisticated mathematical functions These will allow us to do sophisticated computation on images terrain data etc as we develop the basics Learning a programming language is like learning spoken language Texts and lectures are insufficient one must use the language to make it your own This has implications for how to study There s always more than one way to say something although some ways will be more elegant than others You learn to recognize elegant expressions as you become more familiar with a language and to use them as you become more skilled Keep a record of things you learn in the lab lecture and recitation sections Whether this is a formal lab notebook or a small diary or PDA for new vocabulary find a way that works for you to record your insights and ideas Languages classes are cumulative don t fall behind Ask for assistance if you find yourself struggling Textbook Essentials of MATLAB Programming by Stephen Chapman ISBN number 0495073008 It is in stock at UNC bookstore Students who took Comp 16 in Spring 2006 used this book so you could try to get a copy from them Web site We use the Blackboard web site http blackboard unc edu for access to handouts email online discussions You need your ONYEN to log in to Blackboard See http onyen unc edu if you need an onyen Software MATLAB is available in all ATN labs http help unc edu labs and can be accessed out of AFS on the university network For stand alone use a 99 student edition can be purchased from the bookstore or http www mathworks com store index html Grading Quizzes 10 Assignments 40 Midterms 25 Final Exam 25 Quizzes WILL BE ANNOUNCED IN CLASS on Mondays There will be a 10minute quiz at the end of lecture almost every Wednesday No makeup is given for missed quizzes but the lowest quiz score is dropped at the end of the term Assignments Every other week there will be an assignment involving programming turned in using the Blackboard web site Assignments are due at midnight on their due date Assignments late by each lecture day will incur a 25 penalty up to 2 lectures late Exams There will be two midterms in class and a final exam Collaboration Collaboration on assignments IS encouraged However whatever you hand in code reports must be your own writing typing Good scholarship requires that all collaboration must be acknowledged Thus if you collaborate on the solution of a problem set I expect that you list your collaborators at the top of the page Collaboration on in class evaluations quizzes midterms final is of course a violation of the Honor Code http www cs unc edu Admin Courses HonorCode html

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UNC-Chapel Hill COMP 116 - COMP 116 SYLLABUS

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